Dec 26, 2006 08:12

Merry belated Kissyourarse.

...have I said in the last 5 minutes how much I hate the holiday season? WHY in Rassilon's name do people insist on EATING OUT at a HIGHWAY RESTAURANT for Xmas? *weilds stabbing pen*

Also why did the morning shift have 2 cooks and 3 people in the restaurant on Xmas whilst the PM (3pm-11pm) shift had 1 cook, me and a trainee who knew NOTHING in the restraunt?!

My shift was actually BUSIER than the morning shift.

Anyone see their logic?

Seriously, the trainee has no hurry bone in her body, listens to me for 2 seconds before going off to do other things and only stacks the damn dishes when she knew I was watching (sorry that's my pet peeve. You bring the dishes in; you stack them; you wipe the tables. Simple ne? Simple enough for Anne, Bec, Karlee and I to be the only ones to ever do it...)

Am seriously going to yell at her the next time I'm on with her.

hate, work, kissyourarse

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