nicked from trevski and everyone else

May 24, 2006 21:44


How old were you?: 16
What grade/year were you in?: 11
Where did you go to school?: Coffs Harbour Senior College
Where did you work?: Weekends at the Caltex Highway Restraunt in Macksville
Where did you live?: At home in Macksville
How was your hair style?: 3 years ago today? Stubble, I'd recently done Shave for a Cure and had shaved it all off.
Did you have braces?: Nope
Did you wear glasses?: Yes
Who was your best friend?: Hannah
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend: No-one
Who was your celebrity crush?: when I was 16? Ummmm I had a few...McDermott, Chris Barrie were the main two methinks
How many tattoos did you have?: zip
How many piercings did you have? 2 in each ear
What car did you drive? none
What was your favorite band/group? DAAS/Tripod/Offspring
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: no
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: Nup
Had you driven yet?: yeah
Had you been to a real party yet?: Nup
Had your heart broken? Nup
Had broken someones heart? As far as I know? Nup

How old are you?: 19
Where do you go to school? University of Newcastle
Where do you work at? I work at the Caltex Highway Restraunt in Macksville during uni hols. Othertimes I'm a jobless bum
Where do you live?: On campus
Where do you hang out?: In front of my computer. Though in the past 3 years the place I've hung out the most would have to be a tie between the Civic Theatre in Newcastle...and the Hi Fi Bar in Melbourne (five nights in one week). Yeah...I don't get out much...
How is your hair style?: long, in a high ponytail with my pony tail burgandy and the rest of my hair a different shade of red
Do you have braces?: Nope
Do you wear glasses?: Yes and will do for life
Who is your best friend?: Dani, Heather and Steph. Yeah...only one of those three I didn't meet online, went to school with and had met before comfest this year...guess who...
Still talk to any of your old friends?: A handful
Who is your celeb crush? Peter Davison (is it bad that I love him just as much in his All Creatures Great and Small/Doctor Who days as now?)...David Tennant...McDermott...Chris Barrie...
How many piercings do you have?: still 2 in each ear
How many tattoos?: Nup not really interested in it...though if I were to get one it'd be the seal of Rassilon...
What kind of car do you drive? I dinnae drive
What is your favorite singer/group?: DAAS/3pod/KoP/SEATU...if I say the Fairy Bluebell Band would anyone know who I was talking about?
What is your biggest fear? being forgotten after I die.
Have you gotten drunk or high?: Drunk once and not through lack of trying
Have you been to a real party? Nup
Has your heart been broken?: Nup. I'm "a cold hearted bitch"


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