Can you guess what I decided to make one day whilst bored? Of course you can.
I'm very, very thankful for the job I have. I mean sure, it sucks really bad getting sunburned like, everyday, and this is TEXAS and its pretty darn hot, and I'm not very confrontational so it's sometimes hard to tell people stuff, but aside from all that, I have it pretty sweet. I say it so much but it's so true! It sounds really dumb, but I've been at the pool most of my life, and it's like its a part of me. My mom told me that when I was little and she didn't have a job, we couldn't drive anywhere cause we only had one car and my dad worked, so we would walk to the pool everyday. Teaching swim lessons is so much fun too, little kids are the cutest things when they're not evil. *sigh* And although I work with some really immature guys, there are the really nice ones and I'm appreciative of that. It's amazing what can happen when you look at the good more than the bad.
Ok, enough of this lame post.