ancient wounds pt 21

Sep 03, 2007 22:33

Author: yours truly, ExMaverick aka Jess

Title: Ancient Wounds

Rating: Nc-17
Summary: Prequel to my vampire fic Deepest Shadow. Ville recounts the events of his mortal life growing up in the poverty of 20th century Finland, wrought with grief, sex, romance, passion and abuse leading into his birth to darkness.
His lengthy tales are imparted to the sleepy mind of his young lover, but only in the seclusion of his own darkest thoughts does he begin to relive the greatest obsessions and deepest hurts rooted in his bygone and decadent time.
Warnings: Blood, angst, abuse.
Pairing: Vam,Ville/Jonne (in parts)

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5i, 5ii, 6, 7, 8, 9i, 9ii, 10i, 10ii, 10iii,11, 12i, 12ii, 13, 14i, 14ii, 14iii, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20i,20ii


“You’re not to get up until I say you can,” I grinned playfully, fingertips tracing over the pale muscled valleys of your back depositing chaste kisses in their wake. Your creamy flesh was warm under the caress of my full lips’ ethereal chill and broke into goosebumps as I imagine your mortal skin might have done not so long ago. I wondered how much you had drank the previous night to make it so.

There was something quite soothing merely laying with you in this way, just you and I among our crisp white bed sheets and bare flesh. Indeed, I knew our bedroom to be a calm sanctuary from the stormy outside world, a sacred temple wherein the worship was our union, the warmth of our kiss the Blessed Sacrament and the prayers were our whispers of devotion and moans of fevered lust.
We lay upon our bed, our carnal alter, inspired by the early evening to bask in one another’s radiant company, and revel in the intimate mischief that we knew all too well. You had protested that you wished to rise and descend to the buzzing streets to feed, teasing me with the prospect that we might share the communion of a victim together.

Yet, though this peaked my desires considerably, I had made it my vow to exercise my will as Master and bring you to obedience whether by allure or through the deliciousness of punishment.

“Surely you wouldn’t deny me that Master, to share a life with you…to feed at your side…” You murmured, voice faltering under my affections as you lay with your face down turned into the sheets.

I thought it quite amusing that you thought I could be made to bend to your will at all times, that I would yield to your very desire without exception. Yes, I indulged you in almost every way possible, but though I doted upon you boundlessly it was never beyond my power to put you back in place when I desired my way with you.
How very ironic that even in my dominance and strength it was indeed, you, who held the true virtue over me that had all but made me your slave.

“And what if I would deny you that?” I quipped huskily, my exposed torso casting shadows on the walls in the low candlelight as I leant over your beauteous form to resume my kisses across your shoulders, lips resting on the base of your neck teasingly “and what if I wanted something of you...”

I shuddered inwardly, though I would not let you know it, at the scent and taste of you. For a moment I felt as if I would lose my nerve and give myself up to your wishes just to revel in the intoxicating perfume of your dark curls and sweet taste of your mouth. I had to consciously remind myself of my intentions -so much was desire to have you by any means achievable.

In response to my gluttonous senses I felt a familiar tightening between my thighs, causing me to waver slightly in my task and allow my hardening need to grind ever so lightly against your sharp hip through the thin material of the sheets. I felt your body tense up instantly beneath me. I stifled a throaty groan at even such a small realisation of pleasure before ripping the white material from you revealing you to be divinely naked.
Even so, I refocused my motives and shifted so that I straddled your thighs, my hand purposefully resting on one of your buttocks mockingly. My lips ghosted your ear in a low voice, thick and hoarse with anticipation-

“would you deny me sweetheart?”

I was greatly pleased when you offered only a painful sigh in reply, and began sucking gently on your earlobe, allowing my sharper teeth to lightly graze and only further your intelligible voicing of need.
“No…” shivered the piteous admittance of defeat from your now quivering lips. You lay beneath me, unmoving, vulnerable and completely under my control.

My appetite for you was only inflamed by your eased submission. I was now wonderfully hard for the sight of you, and determined to have my satisfaction.
Still whispering in your ear I continued my torment by letting the head of my pulsing shaft tease the crease of your entrance, purposefully lingering there, threatening sweet penetration at any moment. The heat of your flesh against the chill of my organ caused the ache rising within my belly intensify and my body to shudder just a little against my will.

You gasped almost instantly, bunching the sheets in tight fists before you and breathing heavily into the mattress. I was hell bent on driving you crazy before anything was done to end your blatant and burning frustration before my own release.
“Mm, Bam…what do you suppose I could do to you right now?” I whispered cockily, voice heavy with longing, light kisses of innocence never ceasing “do you want me inside you my love…filling you and having my wicked way with you right here?”

I let my fangs run the course of your gorgeously heated throat, grazing the skin and teasing the sensitive vein under your jaw line. You moaned helplessly and bucked your hips upward suddenly in an attempt to impale yourself on my moistening length.

“Ah-Ah,” I grinned in a stern and cruel voice “you’ll do as I say, and only move when I tell you”

I bit down into your skin abruptly, leaving a stinging but shallow and superficial mark-just enough to let you know that this particular game was one in which I wouldn’t allow you victory. You cried out more in surprise than physical pain. I knew then you were mine you were mine, and would do as I wanted without question.


I smirked to myself before resting back upon my knees, swallowing hard at the
exquisite sensation of the changing pressure of your flesh against my member. I heard a muted whine and groan escape from you at the momentary loss of contact.

My heavy-lidded eyes admired the sculpture of your masculine contours whilst I began to teasingly palm at one of your firm buttocks, my index finger tracing along the near crease. The strained writhing of your hips made it clear that you too felt the discomfort of a suppressed and unruly erection begging for release.

I bent down to press a tender kiss where my hand rested, followed immediately by the accusing finger’s abrupt penetration into the depths of your velvet heat.

You yelped sharply with the violent intrusion causing the sturdy bed beneath use to jut forward .
I made no attempt at hesitation and brushed hard against your prostate before withdrawing painfully slowly.

“Oh God,” you hissed beneath me, body wanting to follow the absence of my cool digit.

“Shh,” I hushed, barely allowing you recovery from my previous invasion before plunging forcefully back inside with the addition of a second cold finger. I began this time to massage gently the muscle which clamped so tight around me, continuing my malevolent whispers “does that feel good sweetheart?”

After a great throaty moan you began to relax into a tide of hitched breaths and sighs, allowing me to explore your confines without protest. With every come-hither motion I sought to bring you further under my control, relishing in the dominance your pleasure bestowed upon me.

So enthralled I became that I realised I had neglected to remember my own brutally aching need, which had begun to weep with the desire for release against my taut white stomach.

“Please,” you groaned, sensing my desperation “ need…need you now”
Regardless of my now near unbearable lust I was determined to play the devil with you and replied with an almost arrogant smirk.

“Please?” I laughed in mock-questioning, deliberately jabbing hard into your prostate making you cry out this time more urgently.
“Pleasemaster-” you sobbed.
“Good boy” I replied withdrawing from you in a single fluid motion.

Spurred on by you surrender I took my position between your parted ashen thighs, stifling the hiss building in my throat at the thought of forcing my way inside your warmth unannounced coupled with rising blood-hunger.
As I groped beneath you in search for a holding upon your hips I noticed how your resonant please has quietened and how your feverous appetence had moistened the immaculate bedding in such a short time.

“Now,” I whispered tenaciously, fingertips now gripping both hips authoritivly “I want to be able to see your hands in front of you….no touching…”

I let out a deep sigh of perverse contentment over what I was about to do to you, before following-
“that’s for me to do”

Gently I placed myself at the centre of you and began to ease myself inside, causing your fists to become tighter in the blankets and a gasp to escape your lips. I felt a flutter of uncertainty as to whether I would be able to endure the torturous pace should I continue in such a way, and so with haste inched myself forward until fully sheathed in your painfully confining heat.

I indulged myself in a small groan at the sensation of being with you again like this, but knew neither of us could stand much longer in such unchaste limbo.

Holding tightly I began the first of my hard thrusts, feeling myself touch the core of you. Hearing you cry out I did so again and again, losing myself on the edge of animal lust and falling into rhythmic patterns of impaling you without mercy on my throbbing shaft over your sobs.

“Please, oh god,” you wept, hips now lifting ever so slightly, moving in time with my fingertips to bury me deep inside you harder and fast than before “Ville don’t stop-harder”

The tightening in my gut becoming too much to bear I gave myself into your wishes, pounding into you veraciously, hitting your prostate with such precision that your head reared up with cries of my name, your dark curls tumbling away from your beautifully enraptured face.

The sound of our fleshes sharp contact coupled with the groans that were now falling from both our lips cut through the night’s natural tranquillity. The scent of your moist skin drove me into impassioned cries between each unwavering thrust-sending a shiver to the parts of me that greedily needed you most.

Through your torture one of your hands, which had since gripped the sheets so possessively, disappeared under your glistening white torso. I felt beneath me that you were groping blindly to fist your hardness which begged for relief.

“Bam…I said...”I gasped for breath, still continuing my exhausting pattern “no…touching”

You sobbed in protest against me.
“Then touch me…”you panted “please, anything”

The way you struggled for breath against my power of you was terribly erotic, and overcome with lust and the sexuality of your writhing white muscles in the dark I reached for your weeping member and began to stroke in time with my deepening thrusts.

With the intensity of the moment and the drunkenness of my senses I could sense the familiar tightening in my stomach begin to take over my body, my frightening eyes rolling back into my head as finally I released my hot seed deep inside your confines.
The force of my climax swiftly brought on your own, and into my hand and across the sodden bed sheets I felt you violently release.

I remained inside you for some time before my collapse with the dizziness of orgasm still echoing through me, knowing only that in this moment of completion bereft of earthly desire, that I truly adored you.


Back within the confines of the Master’s chamber, once again in the company of Dyre, bitterly miserable but silent upon the great bed. I’d cried almost enough for a lifetime on accounts of love after all, had I not?

I sat quiet in a solemn repose for a moment with my knees brought under my chin defensively. Such child-like things, knees I remember thinking when one is young they always seem so much closer to you, whether you’re looking up over them at your superiors or studying their grit speckled hills and valleys…when one grows up they seem to get further and further away from us. I wondered if the had finally driven me mad.

Dyre had not said a word for the longest time during this most seemingly awkward of silences, but I thanked that he did so for my mind’s own good. He knew me just as well as he always had and in such new my habits.

But eventually, he did speak.

“You did the right thing, Ville” he whispered soothingly, one palm to my shoulder and the other over mine.His hands were so much softer than I remember…

I only sighed in reply. He continued.

“We aren’t meant for them, you and I. Nor any of us,” he lamented softly “best we keep to our own kind. His heart belongs with them now, Little Brother”

I leant against his shoulder defeated. What sort of everlasting life was there for me if it was to be one without love?
“Just remember,” he said, a small smile creeping into his milky visage “you’re not alone anymore. You have me, my friend”

I didn’t wish to dwell upon matters that made my heart ache. Not anymore. I was far too wise now for such things, it was time I learnt from this.
And as if reading my mind, Dyre began to speak of the old days. Days when we were boys wreaking havoc together, days so much better than these. I was carried away y the detail in which he remembered it all, from the taste of the air that day to the season of the next.

And though my heart was heavy the hours spent talking with Dyre, regressing to and fro into our friendship and memories with such contented nostalgia made me feel a small silvery glimmer of hope that in this new life I could, perhaps, find happiness once more.

“Do you remember the time we were caught stealing from Mr. Turunen’s orchard near the fields?” he laughed abandonly, strong arm round my tired shoulders.
“Only just,” I replied, now smirking slightly in reflection.

Dyre began to grin and raise and eyebrow in mock accusation.

“And I wonder why!” he scoffed “as I recall I was the one who got the blame and the cane for it while you hid behind the farm gate”

The memory sprung into my cheeks a devilish pink and for the first time in so long I was rolling with laughter. Dyre meanwhile stroked his light facial hair with his brow furrowed in an attempt to look seriously offended but soon gave over into joining in with my spluttering.

“Oh,” he sighed tousling my dark hair playfully and wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes with his sleeve “Ville, I’ve missed you terribly”

“And I moreover” I sighed, feeling the hilarity ebb gently in my chest before continuing the night’s conversation. “Now tell me Dyre,” I began “ and do let’s be honest because I had always wished to know”

“Emilia-the preachers daughter,” I spoke in an inquisitive tone “what became of you and her in our youth? It was no secret that you adored her and that she was fond of you”

He looked genuinely puzzled.

“What gave you that impression? Well, actually ,strike that. Yes she was a lovely young thing and yes she favoured me, but alas I denied her. Everyone thought me insane for it, no doubt”

“Denied her, how so?”

“She had tried to kiss me and I withdrew. One day during bible study-how I loathed it. Oh, you know the story, everyone did-I the son of a blacksmith bred for hard labour and she the foolish preacher’s daughter destined to marry into wealth and high society seeking thrills in an impoverished rogue”

The way he spoke was like poetry, I would have never imagined the young boy I grew up with to have become such an evocative, passionate speaker. I turned and looked at him, he had grown ever more hansom in his years, and now my physical age I presumed he couldn’t be much more than a year older than be in The Blood.

“And all this was the reason you refused her?”

He sighed off handedly, leant back on his palms into the thick quilt and shrugged.
“Partly yes, he said in a low melancholy voice “and partly because there was another whose lips I longed to kiss”

“Who?” I swallowed hard.

He looked into my eyes with the grey brilliance of his, I felt a sudden lump form in my throat and a flush creep into my cold cheeks.

“You,” He breathed, voice low and shaking just a little with honesty.

“I loved you for a very long time, Ville. You never did notice though, not that I blame you of course,” he shrugged “I was just a blacksmith’s son. You’ve always been…”

“…yes?” I questioned softly, urging him on gently.

“…something else”

His raised the back of his hand delicately to my cheek, smiling nervously.
“ I wanted to tell you,” he continued more assured of himself now “the night Master Vuori took me away I was going to your house. When your father was sick and dying. I wanted to tell you…I wanted to tell you that you didn’t have to be scared because I’d always be there to look after you and keep you”

Something inside me swooned and brought tears to my eyes.

"Please," I whispered quietly "keep me"

Our faces drew closer, and as both our eyes closed his arm encircled my waist I wrapped mine about his neck, and our lips met for the first time in a soft and tender kiss. The thought that kept me going was this: I knew nothing of this hell when I was in his arms.

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