Ancient Wounds Pt5 i

Jul 13, 2006 20:36

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4


I let out a cry that echoed throughout the darkened rooms of an otherwise silent home, somewhere within you were amazing me yet again. The only stir of life, or indeed the stir of the dead, was coming from within our bathroom in cries of ecstasy and the ripple of disrupted water in the wake of frenzied bodies.
“ So…so close,” I gasped a hand buried into your hair, the other secure around your gorgeously thick length, my eyes fluttering back after wave of your tangible graces shivered up from the most tender part of me upwards along my neck. Your blue eyes were tight shut through moans as I stroked you in time to the sway of hips, your lips bitten down in concentration, exposing the whiteness of your teeth as your muscled body writhed against mine.

The heat of the water lapped around my pallid chest as you were straddled in a most statuesque and practiced manner across my parted thighs, and you took me whole and to my entirety inside you without a whimper of discomfort into the confines of you. My rock hard member enveloped within your unyielding fever, I felt as if every muscle of your being contracted against me and sought to send me into the euphoria of oblivion. Crashing your lips to mine in an outpouring of sexual desire and completion I felt myself give forth inside of you, breaking into pieces as I let cry your name from a quivering mouth. Though scarcely could I see, through my veil of sensual intoxication I heard gasps and an almost inaudible groan, as you too soon followed in your climax into my slender awaiting fingers.

Neither of us spoke for a time after our blissful union came to fruition, but there was no want for that as we were both completely wrapped up within one another, both in body and thought, that we had little use for spoken words in that moment. I wanted only now to look upon you with the adoration and enchantment that settled on you like a halo, brought on with every small intimacy we shared.

“Sire,” you laughed finally littering kisses across my paled throat, the spark of the divine alight within your eye once more; we were as one within the intimate confines of our bath, our milky white limbs entwined with one another’s and submerged in the caress of the steaming waters “surely you are the immaculate, sweet Master? No mark nor blemish have I located on you…and certain I have seen all of your colourless flesh…”

Oh, the art you owned that brought me a grin without fail! My darling, could I begin to weave the complexity of you, surely it would take an eternity. Your lips were as pinpricks under the pressure of your little fangs upon me, and with every light kiss you did draw from me sighs of spent and exhausted achievement. Our intimacy had brought us closer within one another in mind and body both, as our ravishing always had inspired.

“You are correct in thinking so,” I smiled heavy sighted, my slender fingers tugging gently at your moistened curls, then teasingly at your charming facial hair “time took from me such blemishes, such scars and marks. The softened creases aside each of these eyes are the only indication of a time where time itself touched me”.

I stared into your watery blue eyes for some time thereafter this, drinking in you before meeting your lips with my own, covering them, stealing them into a kiss which stood as a silent promise. A promise that my body was your sanctuary in which you might find comfort, that yours was my temple the one I would worship alone, and that my heart mortal or otherwise belonged to you to do with what you wished.

“There is one mark time will never remove,” I whispered contented against the graze of your voluptuous cupid’s bow, my fingertips ghosting down your water-beaded torso and down to capture your hand, placing it against my naked chest delicately with the air of devotion “and you caused it to be so”

The shimmer of wetness in your admiring eyes, whether from the waters reflection or your love of me, stirred me to whisper close into your ear-

“I shall give you anything you could wish to desire, anything,” I mused for a moment kissing your temple softly, taking a brief moment to take in your warm perfumed scent “I would give up to you anything you had a heart to want, my love ask it of me and anything you could dream of shall be so”

It was for love that I had sworn to give you anything you desired, and it was for love I had given up my precious freedom ..


It has been not yet a new moon after my fathers passing, but the pain of his departure coupled with the gruelling poverty he had forced us into had already crippled what remained of my family. There was no fire, and the icy whipped winds of that December slithered in invisible wisps throughout our home. This had caused my dear mother to become ill will the shivers, and much to her relief I should imagine she could no longer sell herself to feed her boys. Even though I was but now sixteen years of age, I had become a man, for I had no choice in the matter. With my mother bedridden and my brother barely out of infancy it was my duty, my honour, to lead my family and pull us through the winter in the faint hope spring would see us better days.

I had taken it upon myself to sell off, much to mother’s wailing protest, the remnants of my fathers possessions. Writing quills, paper, accounting journals bound in warn red leather-all were sold for dirt’s worth. Before the third day of market by the river, an ancient trading post since before my fathers time, all his worldly goods were away from us. Save just one item. It was small and sharp, barely but a hand span in length, but it was special to me and generations before . A small knife or dagger, given to my father upon my grandfathers death. It was a plain but beautifully sharp little trinket, which my mother had once imparted that it had been used to kill great beasts of the old times. That of course was the fanciful nature of an aging witch maiden, there were no monsters in this time nor those before it, only beastly people. It was high time such follies of my boyhood be locked away in wake of my new found responsibility not to be revisited.

It was a Sunday morn and the air was unpleasantly brisk, when unbeknown to myself I was spied at my post within the usual grain field by many pairs of spiteful little eyes lidded with cruel intentions and paired with thoughtful grins. From within the spatter of winter thickets and evergreen, steeped in the familiar of thick white snow, lurked bold four boys from the centre of town. Watching, piercing, staring.

It was not until all four revealed themselves unceremoniously from the iced undergrowth, that I was even aware of their presence. Sensing something about the small rabble was not in best interests, I instinctively recoiled from their advances towards me and let my rich brown hair obscure my face from their obvious scrutiny. Loosing my footing upon the sallow frozen ground, it would appear that I were flinching when sized up to these intruders, who had now presented themselves before me in an intimidating line all arms-akimbo.

I was very concerned, for by their mutterings to one another, their posturing, cursing and false punches I had surmised I owed their visit to intentions of beating me breathless. This, while catching me off guard, did not in the sense surprise me, as by this point I was not fit to be seen with on accounts to Elias spreading news of our encounter no doubt, and was known as the ‘whoreson of a witch’ by all my peers.

“Stand off,” snorted the younger boy. He was the son of an afore mentioned haggard old fisherman, and was a waif of a thing covered in bramble scratches to the bare shins “this field is ours now, we have been sent to move you along”

“By who’s authority?” I hissed defensively, I was not the most able bodied of young men but was able to dish a fight where one was due “this work is mine and by connection so is the pay”

The boys snorted together and spat at my feet in defiance. I became aggravated by this.

“Scrawny narttu!” jeered their self appointed leader, a fawn haired cattle worker by the name of Elukka, whom I knew despised me greatly as the cousin of my former love interest Elias. “Get out of our way!”

With that he stepped forward from his little army and grabbed my quaking shoulder to give me a forceful push aside.
“Get away from me you piece of filth!” I shouted now in great anger taking a swing at him with a clenched veined fist , landing a substantial punch to his slacked jaw. I stood for a split second admiring the redness he left upon my pale knuckles, which on sight matched the small streak now flowing down his chin, I felt like a hero. I did not have long, however before being catapulted back into reality with a far more violent smash in the face.
Staggering back from Elukka I clutched my face with tight hands, and groaned painfully as the last few droplets of scarlet fell into the snow and spread out like tiny wounds across the icy ground. Determined that the money was worth the injury, and my honour was at steak, I composed myself with a little difficulty to stand up against the four interlopers.

“Are you going to run home to your witch now, Valo?” the carpenter’s son August cackled spitting to my face. Elukka scoffed at this and stood posing in front of me like some hulking and stupid ogre.

“And speaking of your mother, Valo” he smirked waiting on dramatic pause “my father asks if her services are still available later on this evening!”

Hearing these words spew forth from vile cracked lips like bile against my cold face, I became so enraged that I tackled him, sending the great brute to the snow. He, a good foot taller than I this was no easy task, but to my amazement I had Elukka to the floor and his minions has scattered like seeds to the wind.

Though I barely understand what happened after that moment, I could see myself pinning him to the ground under my body weight, rhythmically pounding my tights fists into his jaw and chest screaming at him through a bloody nose.

“You bastard!” I screamed my eyes unblinking into the eyes of Elukka, burning him alive in my head “how dare speak about my mother that way!” By now the robust young heathen was violently squirming beneath my angry frame, and by part luck and my delirious temper had knocked me off him to run.

Skidding across the packed snow under his clumsy feet he ran from me and my field, leaving me to pant in fury with my own blood on my shirt and a spattering of his on my fists.

“We know what you are, Valo!” he called behind him almost out of sight in the winter thickets leading to town “I will get you whoreson!”

Letting my anger rage I beat at the frozen ground, breaking into hot stinging tears amidst the snow and the silence of the country.

Arriving weary, feeling defeated and having cleaned the scarlet shame off my face, I entered my broken little home to find that my mother was at the oak table, and she was speaking with someone, and the fire was again roaring. Across from her sat a tall and regal figure, he was adored in such clothes so luxurious I had not seen, upon which fell his long white blond hair that was perfect as if spun from gold. He spied me at the threshold with his cobalt blue eyes and grinned from paled lips,

“Ah Herra,” my mother smiled rising to me, appearing resurrected from her illness with the flush of life in the apples of her cheeks again “this is my eldest son, Ville”
The charismatic gentlemen at the table raised his brow in recognition of me, and seemed to approve of something about my person.

“Anita, you were correct in your description of him, surely he is a gift upon your home. You have been blessed”

He rose to join my mother at my side, inspecting me from head to toe, as if one would on deciding to purchase a slab or joint of beef. Reaching to the mite infested table leg he grasped a sleek black wooden cane, that’s handle he thrust cold-bloodedly under my chin moving to view each side of my throbbing painful face.

“He is an able young one,” he grinned exposing sharp teeth that glinted in the dancing light of the fire “I believe he is right for the job”

At this my mother’s face crinkled up as if with tears of pure and unadulterated joy, and she took me by the shoulders to her breast and embraced me for some time, before looking deep into my eyes with her beauteous green ones.

“Ville, my love” she smiled running her hands through my dark curled hair “This is Herra Vuori, you will not know him but he is the landlord of the lands on which this house stands. He took us in when you were a babe. He has come to us in the greatest of times to offer you something wondrous, my sweet”

I was puzzled and held tight to my mothers free hand staring unsure of this white haired stranger.

“You are all in need of financial assistants, boy. I offer enough money for your mother and brother to live comfortably at my expense away in the great settlement of Helsinki, away from all this-trouble”

My chest seemed to rise as if my prayers had been answered, that I was deserving and this was the chance to save us all from the horror of a world we struggled to survive in. My heart pumping agile and resounding within the cage of my chest, I dared open my lips to let tumble the inquiry which wrought up so much hope and yet fear-

“Under what condition, sir?”

He laughed a laugh thick and echoing, grinning once more and staring into my eyes attentively.

“That you will separate from them, and come to live with me in my manor, where you shall be apprenticed and educated as befitting my class”

I swallowed hard and rough, a million thoughts and emotions flew about my young mind and shattered when posed to the question like stars into the black sky. I adored my mother, and my brother was the joy of my life, but to keep them well was to sacrifice ever knowing them.

Finally, I summed up the courage and the conviction to utter the words I knew that I must speak in order to become a man.

“If you keep them well, safe, if you give back my mother her life and give my brother his...I will do ask you require”

My mother cried softly in great torrents as my ‘owner’ departed from the ruin of the house, she kissed me all over my face as if I would disappear like sand to the eve’s breeze. I looked into her eyes and held her for the longest time, that I do not remember how long I did so for.

“Ville, my angel” she wept into my hair kissing, kissing and embracing me “I am so proud of you, son”

It was after she tore herself from me to gather my clothing for my leave that I crept silent as the grave into the quiet warmth of the bedroom, where nine year old Jesse lay dreaming upon his bed. I bent to him a kissed his moon-cast forehead, stroking his hair gentley not to wake him.

“Grow up strong, Jesse” I whispered letting the first of resilient tears fall upon my outspread arms “take care of Mama for me”


Right-ho my dears, this is making up for the fact that very shortly i shall be departing for 2 weeks and cant post : ( but i will be writing :p
So, cus of this i give you the first half of Part 5:p

Comments are encouraged, i really want to know how i can improvexxx
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