Deepest Shadows Pt 15 *sexual violence*

Jun 23, 2006 16:34

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Back at the castle, my sanctuary of years, a withering body lay strewn by the heat of the fireplace. He lay there, little blade still giving off its sliver grin in the light, watching over him from his rightful place on the mantle. The darkness smothered the room, save the fire.
No candles burned, and every last rose was passing away in flames giving off a thick smell.
Ah, this could teach the gods of love what love was. Seeing his face then you could have forgotten he was Ville. He was strong by nature, whatever his nature, but this was not Ville you would have seen lying there. Something different altogether that creature was. He lay across the cold marble, head cradled by an arms curled beneath him and a hand open, the light flickered in the crease of his palm, that alone seemed to hold some relevance.

Something loomed in the gloom, a presence of some sort. The presence of living, or undead. From the inane dark stepped forth a tall and muscled figure. The light was only strong enough to illuminate his facial features in a frightening glow. This figure, this tall male figure with immaculate blonde hair to the shoulders, chiselled features and cobalt blue eyes. This figure was of our kind. He stood by my Lords side, but Ville made no move. As he stood a draft came from somewhere and caused the cloak adorning his shoulders to flutter.
The vampire knelt by his side, still Ville did not move. The blonde man ran a snow white hand through Ville’s hair playfully, and then began to speak.

“See,” he smirked in a silky voice laced in Finnish “That wasn’t so difficult, was it?” Ville made some futile meek cry, like that of a cornered animal.
“No, Master Vuori”
The blonde vampire ran his hand over Ville’s icy cheek, comforting him with a twisted smile across his face.
“Good boy”

There I sat , Bam the cast-off vampire, worth no more than the clothes on my back-and they weren’t even mine.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” a sympathetic voice sighed from behind the bar “Fall out? Name’s Kitty”
I looked up off the table. The punk barmaid stood clutching a tray to her breast, kind smile and curious eyed. We had engaged in conversation before now, but as you can imagine I was not in the mood for any of her words.
“Trouble with a lady? I’ve seen you around and you’ve never looked so upset, hun” she said tracing her finger over the bar top in search for some non existent dust. For some reason, I felt it upon me to answer.
“something like that, yeah,” I added “he had trouble with me’”

“Yeah” I said starting to get pissed off already.
“That bad, huh?”
“He threatened to kill himself because of me. He told me to get out of his life..” smooth Margera, real smooth.
She took my hand and gave me a smile.
“You love him, don’t you?”
“So much” Oh shit, I thought, don’t cry don’t cry.
I was in despair, and she seemed to be only one person in the world to care about me that moment. I’d tried hard but a few tears silently escaped my shut eyes. I felt a delicate hand cup my cheek.
“I bet he loves you,” I opened my eyes “He’s afraid you’ll break his heart, I’d bet. People think they wont hurt so bad if they end it first”
I looked at her. She placed a reassuring kiss on my lips.
“Go on, get back there and tell him how much you love him” She smiled “he needs to know”

By the fire Ville cringed at his masters touch. With snow white fingertips Vuori clawed the frightened vampire beneath him, scratching at his naked sides. Ville’s breathing seemed to cease, and he shook with fear. The blondes hand snaked down the delicious pale torso of the other, gratifying himself at the physiological rape. He moved further, slipping his hands between Ville’s thighs.

“No,” Ville whimpered “Please, anything but that”
Vuori was pleased by the fear he inspired, though he was no taller nor any more physically greater than Ville himself he was far more ancient and stronger, but the fear came mostly from the power he had in Ville’s mind.

“When have you denied me my pleasure, boy?” he smirked in a velvet laden tone.
“I’m not a boy anymore!” Ville scrambled to his knees further back to the fire. Vuori looked at him with wicked blue eyes. He moved slowly over to Ville, who was cowering like a dog, and grinned. The younger vampire’s chest heaved as he struggled to breathe in panic, tears streaming. Vuori viciously clasped his wrist and forced him on his back to the floor.

“Oh, my dear child,” he laughed straddling Ville’s hips “you may have grow older, you may have sired a worthless man child, who you even have brought shame to by your love” Ville was to petrified to even struggle. Vuori leaned in to his lips and whispered, threatening to crash into the quivering lips of the younger vampire beneath him.
“But inside your still that frightened little boy who cried every time I took him” he grazed Ville’s lips with a kiss.
“I’m correct aren’t I, Ville?
Images race through the horrified vampires mind. A boy. A horse switch. A cold locked cellar. He saw this child half naked and beaten out in the snowed over woodland, he was freezing cold but did not die, he was so thin but he hadn’t starved. The boy cried to himself huddled in a heap of snow, repeating the same Finnish blithering. That was Ville once, but that was a merciful punishment compared to what had been done before.

“No one wanted you, child” Vuori said “You should thank god I saved you”
“Yes V-Vuori” he shivered beneath.
“Master to you boy” Vuori grinned “Suck me beautiful”
Vuori griped Ville’s hair forcing him up on his knees before him. He unfastened his trousers and looked at the other vampire with forceful lust.
“No. I-I wont, I-” Ville stuttered.
“You will,” He grinned malevolently “If u want the boy alive” Ville looked at Vuori with tired sunken eyes
“Kyllä” he whispered reluctantly.
“Nice to see you’ll obey” he smirked “and that you’ve not forsaken your mother tongue entirely”
Ville shook his head and the blonde vampire smacked him again, this time forcibly inserting himself into Ville’s trembling mouth making him gag.
“That’s right . Just do it.”
He felt sobs begin to break free as tears fell down his face, he tried to pull away but Vuori just pushed his head back down creating a bobbing movement.

Ville moved his hands to push his maters hips away. But Vuori had used his belt to tie his victims hands behind his back. His hips began to thrust; making Ville’s head push against the grip of Vuori's hand, pulling harshly at his hair. A few more thrusts and Vuori released into his mouth, pulling away and pulling his clothes back up.
Ville spit the vile substance onto the ground.
“You used to swallow,” his master said, backhanding him with a force that sent him to the ground.
Vuori lifted his foot to kick Ville in the face and he cringed, anticipating the blow.


*dramatic piano insert* There we have it my darlings, until next time, thanks so much for teh comments!
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