Sep 19, 2005 14:40
For those of us without kids... I thought this was fun. Over the weekend, I seen my cousins new baby girl, her name was Kate Hensley. She was named after a character in my cousins personal romance novel... she has been writing it in her head for the past 19 years (she turns 30 the 20th of September!). The characters name was Hensley Rockford (a strong woman name she thought...).
So, we all got to talking and discussing baby names... we all threw out there baby names we would love to name our unborn kids or kids to follow the ones we had! Here are mine, feel free to list yours! I would love to see them!
Emily Ann (Ann being my sisters name...)
Andrew Micheal
Emma Ann
Carlene Marie (my mom is CHarlene...)
Abigail (or Abby) Marie
(I guess guys don't do middle name dreaming... can you tell Wally wants a boy?)