Dec 22, 2003 00:58
t0day was a g00d day...primarly cuz i was with nick the wh0le day!
w0ke up n waited 4 dan t0 leave
n then i dr0ve t0 nicks h0use
and then blabalbal we were b0red
his parent left
and we didnt g0 with them s0 i gues his m0m n dad were mad s0 they "made it s0 he c0uldent drive the van" HA!
well we watched a rack 0f m0vie..first cant wait
then we eat pizza
then we watched a lil bit 0f jawbreaker
then we decided we were b0red s0 we went t0 the van re-pluged the battary
n 0ff we went t0 f00d li0n...hes a smart kid!
we get 2 cand 0f macar0nie n beef
n then g0 h0me n watch trading spaces n eat! yumm
then we watched r0me0 must die
n then his parents came
n then he hasked his dad if he c0uld take me h0me cuzit was gettin cl0se t0 11
and his dad kinda started makin fun 0f him "cuz he c0uldent fix the van"
n then his dad was leik i g0t the majic keys
n then nick came n g0t the can that me b0ught
and was like yeah i d0 t00...i f0und them 0n the c0unter
HAHA it was s0 funny!
i guess u had t0 b there
0mg n b 4 that i was tryin t0 scare him s0 when we were c0mmin in i hid right by the arm 0f the c0uch where he c0ulddnet c me n went i g0t up t0 say b00
i hit my head 0nt he arm
0mg it was s0 funny AHHA!
well eyah n e wayz!
t0m0rr0w we have a game :(
n my baby g0tta w0rk :(
but im tired s0 imma g0