
Oct 09, 2004 10:18

Ok...so I guess I should up-date...Wednesday at stage crew i was going back to the crew room from E6 cleaning my roler and the sink was over flowing so we were fleeing the scene...i fell down like 4 stairs and landed on my ankle...the outside poped and the inside snaped and i kinda sat there in awe of wut i had just done...zach went and go my backpack with my cell in it and i called my mom...mean while jenna wasn't very happy...and jay and mike came downstairs...i called my mom and she came ot get me...i felt really stupid...they got the keys to the prop room and got the wheel chair and i go into my momy's car and went to the ER...checked in saw the treage nurse...and she took off my sneaker and my ankle was huge...she eventually game me some meds and i went for x-rays which were no fun cuz they made me move myankle to take them...then i sat around went into another room and sat on a bed int here for awhile...then a doctor came in told me it was broken which i really already knew...he sed i might need a pin in it sa..i was scared..then i went and got a temporary cast and he played with my ankle which wasn't cool...then i got crutches and finially got to use the bathroom...then i got in the car to come home..and...have spent the last couple days on my grandpa's bed...I didn't go to school thursday and just stayed in bed all day...talked to some people and they really cheered me up thanks guys....friday yesturday i went to the doctors and got a real cast it's red ill have it until the 26 when i get a new cast ill be on crutches atleast untile then...i udn need surgery at;east not yet...but ill have crutches for ring dance and i dun even have a dress yet so maybe ill just stay home...and have people over before or after...i dunno...i went to practice for acouple mins coach stand told me i dun need to go to practice i can go to the games if i want to and do the score thingy and w/e for coach mole...i finially stopped throwing up so i am happy about that i can actually eat things now and they dun come and visit me again...ill be home like all the time now cuz i can't do soccer or crew so come visit...im gonna try to go to both games tonight..dun feel so good right now so ill see how i feel later and hopefully i will be able to go...thanks to all the people at theater who helped me, people who got my homework, and people who called...byebye for now
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