Oct 29, 2004 16:14

BOARD!...I tend to get board fast and easily

[ x ] Smoke?: occasionally
[ x ] Do drugs?: hardly
[ x ] Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yeepers
[ x ] Think you'll get married: eventuly
[ x ] Play an instrument?: no but guitar er drum would be saaavage!
[ x ] Believe there is life on other planets?: uhh dont care..? lol
[ x ] Remember your first love?: yeah, only had a few.
[ x ] Have gay/lesbian friends?: yeah
[ x ] Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: damm straight.
[ x ] Consider yourself tolerant of others?: lol hmmm
[ x ] Fav. candy?: REESES PEICES!! fo sho
[ x ] Believe in astrology?: some times.
[ x ] pray?: every once and a while

[ x ] College?: most likly
[ x ] Major?: not sure yet
[ x ] Wear hats?: mostly beanies
[ x ] HATE YOURSELF?: mostly my actions. Havnt "hated" myselve for long time now, thanks to joey
[ x ] WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE?: mmm FUCK NO lol errrbeody loooves me!
[ x ] Have an obsession?: UHHHH
[ x ] Collect anything?: pictures sorta.
[ x ] Any bad habits?: lol many! who dosnt have any?
[ x ] Care about looks?: not really...sorta in a way. If you see someone perfect...then fuck the world if they dont, important thing is, you do!!! member that
[ x ] Believe in witches?: yeah, see Hocus Pocus?? lol
[ x ] Satan?: sure why not?
[ x ] Ghosts?: yeah
[ x ] Trust others easily?: nope.
[ x ] Like noise?: uhh what type of noise are we talkin about?
[ x ] Music?: fuck yes! music is everything!

[ x ] Bought something: hmmm Krista'z birthday present.
[ x ] Were sarcastic: haha few min ago.
[ x ] Talked to an Ex: couple hour'z ago.
[ x ] Had a Nightmare: dont remember.
[ x ] Last book you read: The Contender. in English class, its pretty good. bout boxing.
[ x ] Last movie you saw: FINDING NEMO!!!
[ x ] Last song you heard: Raido
[ x ] Feeling this moment: sad, Joeys goin to his daddy-o'z for the weekend.
[ x ] Show: hmm not sure...
[ x ] Song: toooo many
[ x ] COLOR: blue, or black and red togather

[ x ] Sunglasses - i uno...block the sun? lol I love joeys on him! ; )
[ x ] Underwear - MmMmMmMm
[ x ] Cologne/Perfume - cotten candy, warm vanilla sugar
[ x ] In my mouth - uhhh teeth, tounge..braces comin off realll sooon! Yeeeah
[ x ] In my head - singing the song listen toO, thinken bout lot'z.
[ x ] Wishing - Joey was here
[ x ] Fetishes - listen toO music.
[ x ]wish u could see right now: Joey and some friend'z.
[ x ] Is next to you - a dresser
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - umm uno too damm many
[ x ]something your looking forward to in the upcoming month: duno..goin to great america maybe...spending time with joey...
[ x ] The last thing you ate - chipz and dip
[ x ] Something that you are afraid of - loosing some1 close toO me
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - lol what the fuck?!?
[ x ] do u believe in love- damm straight.
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - uhh baired (sp?) I guess ??
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - defiantly a husky. but for a wild animal...a nice wolf would be, I think so.
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - duno 1 day with no sleep.
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - lol no, try but suck at it.
[ x ] What are some of your favorite animals - of course dog'z!! and horse'z are pretty cool.
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