Dec 15, 2004 22:12
well lately, things seem to actually be going really good...1 reasson, lol Joey knos why...another reasson: I got a job... at home town buffet at the mall... I only work weeekends which suxz cuz I dont get to see Joey as much...but least I get to see him during the weekdays...and when hes at his dads on weekends... I wont be as board...the computer in my room is finally hooked up!! YEEESSS!! and things with Joey and I are really great besides the fact of his dad... but other than that, I couldnt be any happier, he treats me like a princess ((way toO good)) skools good, and boaring as fuck...but good... and fuckin glad..2 weeks off, thats fuckin great... but apparently I only get to spend 1 of those weeks with Joey )= and we probably wont see to much of eachother cuz so much shit going on around holidays nd shiz..welp any way... Im guna jump in the shower and go to bed. peace, nite..sweet dreams and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! =D