
Mar 19, 2009 09:33

At work I get a variety of health concerns everything for septics to bedbugs.  Just so you know, would much rather deal with septic than bedbugs (YUCK).  Anyway, one of the things we do is test engored ticks for lyme disease when the have been pulled off a human.  Here is a recent phone call.

Caller:  I have a tick that i pulled of my child.
me:  Is it engorged?
caller:  what's engorged.
me: that's when the tick's body gets distorted from feeding.  The state lab will not test a tick if it is not engorged.
Caller:  I don't know if it's engorged.
me:  is it big or little
Caller:  it's little
Me: then it's probably not engored.  If you are worried about your child you should bring him/her to their dr.
Caller:  But i want it tested.
Me:  Fine, bring it in, I'll send it to the lab, when I get the report that they will not test ticks unless they are engorged, i'll send that back to you.  Just watch your child for symthoms and call your doctor.  Just so you know 90% of ticks carry lyme disease, it take approximately about 12-24 hours for a tick to transmit lyme disease to a human, which means the tick will become engorged.  And just because a the tick carries lyme does not mean that it gets transmitted everytime.
Caller: B***h
Me: Have a nice day!

I hate tick season.  This happens over and over again.  I don't even get the ticks I pull of my kids tested, I just look for symtoms and take them to the dr as need.

Tomorrow... the bargain cereal...


ticks, work

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