May 12, 2005 19:08
x. name: Katie
x. birthday: April 3rd
x. age: 15
x. school you go to: Western HighSchool. c/o 'o8!
x. job: publix worker Bitch!
x. are you in a gang?: no
x. best friend:jenny and lindsay
x. bf/gf?: nope :[
x. are you a virgin: yes sir
x. when`s the last time you had sex:did i not just say i was a virgin
x. how many siblings: 2
x. Slept in your bed: me
x. Saw you cry:mom
x. Made you cry:dunno
x. You shared a drink with: linnndz
x. You went to the movies with: lindz n gen
x. You went to the mall with: katie n gen
x. Yelled at you: jen( we fitte alot) lmao
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it?: yesh
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet:psht hell yeah all the damn time! :)
x. Been to California: no but ive always wanted to go there n i hope i do
x. Been to Hawaii: nope
x. Been to China: nope
x. Been to Canada: no
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:yupp its so0 werid
x. Wish you were the opposite sex:uhm no
x. Had an imaginary friend: not that i can remember
x. Do you have a crush on someone: yesssssssssss
x. What book are you reading now:nothing
x. Worst feeling in the world: being rejected
x. Future son's name: i like anthony as a name but i rele dunno
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes
x. What's under your bed:nothing
x. Favorite sport to watch:foorball i guess :/ i dun rele watch sports unless im with some 1 who does
x. Siblings: two brothers
x. Location: florida
x. College plans:somewhere in florida
x. Piercings/tattoos:my ears... but i want my belly button pierced
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: noooope
x. Do you do drugs: nope
x. Do you drink: sometimes
x. Who is your best friend: jen n lin
x. What are you most scared of:alota ppl
x. What clothes do you sleep in: either big shirts and shorts or sports bras and shorts
x. Where do you want to get married:dunnt no
x. Who do you really hate:not rele ne 1.. i dislike ppl but dun hate them
x. Been in Love: no0o
x. Do you have a job: yes
x. Do you like being around people: depends what kind of people
x. Been stood up?: no
x. Had your Wisdom Teeth removed?:nope
x. Pulled an all-nighter?: yeah
x. Been drunk?: yeah..
x. Been high?: noppe
x. Been giving a speeding ticket?: no dont have liscence yett!
x. Eaten octopus or squid?: yess
x. Been to a play?: yessss
x. Gone surfing?:no but my dad is gunna take me
x. Snowboarding?: no but ive skiied
x. Been in a real castle?: nope
x. Had an eating disorder?:noooo
x. Been in a car accident?: noooo
x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: ohh yeah
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after:uhmmm.. dunno
x. Want someone you can't have right now:yesssss
x. Are you lonely right now: sorta
x. Song thats stuck in your head a lot:uhh i dunno
x. Do you want to get married: yupp
x. Do you want kids: yeah
x. Room in house: my room
x. Type(s) of music:all kinds
x. Color: uhhhmmmm?!?!?!
x. Perfume or cologne?: love spell
x. Month: december
The Average Day..
x. Starts at ____ o' clock.:5:30
x. First thing I think when I wake up is: god i hate school
x. The first thing I usually do is..: brush my teeth
x. If I eat breakfast, it's usually..: a muffin
x. I get in the shower no later than..:6:00
x. I wash my ____ first.: hair
x. I'm usually on the computer by..:whenever
x. If I leave the house, I'm going..: somewhere
x. It usually takes me ____ to get ready.:1/2 hour.. well it depends where im going
x. I usually spend _____ on the computer.: how long i want
As For Today..
x. I woke up at..:5:50
x. have eaten..: too much
x. I have gone to..: school
x. I've been on the computer for..:beats me
x. I have been to these websites --: livejournal
x. My hair is..: up in a bun
x. I wish I was..:sleepin damn im tired
What If..
x. You could go on vacation anywhere. Where would you go?: mexico... its soo pretty there
x. You could change your eye color. What would you change it to?:i like mt eyes
x. You could meet any two celebrities. Who would you meet?: dunno
x. You could kickass at any sport. Which one would you pick?Ice SKating lmfao cuz im so0o damn good at it already hehe lol lindz
x. You could date any teacher in your school. Who would you wanna date?:NoNe
About Your Personality..
x. Shy or outgoing?: shy towrds new ppl outgoing when with my friends
x. Do you laugh a lot?:yes!
x. How can someone tell your laugh isn't fake?:i dunno
x. Do you get annoyed easily?: with certain things... like gens gulping my god thats annoying but i still luv her lol
x. Do you complain a lot?:hhhmmmm..... NEVER!!!!!!!
x. Do you have a few close friends, or just friends?: Close friends and then Friends
x. Do you get jealous easily?: with some people
x. Do you cry a lot?: noot rele
x. Do you raise your hand in class a lot?:no i dun pay atteniton enuff to ask questions
x. Do you enjoy loud parties with a bunch of your friends?: hell yeah
x. Do you prefer double dates, or `alone` dates?: sometimes alone and sometimes group
In The Last Week Have You..
x. Eaten pizza?: yeah
x. Eaten chinese food?: no
x. Made out?: no
x. Had sex?: nopppe
x. Thrown up?: no
x. Gone hot tubbing?:no
x. Went shopping?: yeh
x. Taken a test or quiz?: yeah
x. Gone to the doctors?: no
x. Gone to the dentist?: no but im going wednesday
x. Seen a movie?:ya
x. Got into a big fight with a friend?: uhm no
x. Hair color: brown
x. Hair style: up in a bun
x. When was the last time you washed it?: yesterday
x. Clothes: bicardi teeshirt and white shorts
x. Undies: a pink thong :)
x. Make up: no
x. Song:Nothin to loose
x. Mom's name: theresa
x. Dad's name: jim
x. Siblings?: 2 brothers
x. Do you get along with your siblings:yeah i gues sometimes
x. If you're an only child, do you like it?: ......
x. do you like going to your grandparents house? someimes
x. name of the person you like/are going out with: .........
x. why do you like him/her?: ..............
x. is there anything about them that you don't like?: ..........
x. do you think you love this person?: ............
x. what do you think about sex before marriage?: shure why not
x. do you meet most of your friends at school?: yeah most
x. Which of your friends gets on your nerves the most?: tara.. but i still love you tara :)
x. List all your friends: dun want to
x. How many is that?: a looot
x. Do you hang out with them on a regular basis?: yeah
x. do you think you're popular?: define it? havin good friends is more important to me than having 'popular' friends.
x. What was said to you this week that you can't stop thinking about?:nothing rele
x. Who said it?: no 1
x. Why did they say it? no 1 said ne thing
x. What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?:oh god cuz my friends are jus soo nice to me they say so0 many nice things psht yeah riiite! dun remeber the nicest thing
x. What was the nicest thing you've ever told someone?: your a sexy beast
x. Has anyone ever confessed that they LIKE you?: yeah
x. Have you ever confessed that you like someone else?: no
x. do you have trouble expressing your emotions:yeahh
x. What time do you wake up in the morning?: 5*50
x. What time does school start for you?7*30
x. What do you usually do after school?: come home
x. What do you do in your spare time?: stuff
x. Do you procrastinate or do you get your work in on time?: procrastinate
x. Is the way you look important to you?: at times
x. What do you have issues with?: alott
x. What do you think of Abercrombie?:dunno never been there yet