Apr 10, 2005 21:40
okay hey this weekend i think has been fun! well i already told u about friday in my last entry so0 now...
i went to work from like 9 ta 3 and then came home and then went to jens house we hung out there n played the sims (wow havent played that game in like forever) and my house burnt down :( and then jen was telling me about the gross dinner we were about to eat and was telling her mom how gross it look lmfao and then colby called me n asked if he cood come over and i was like shure why not so0 him n vince came to jens haha they were both so0o terrified of angel and they woodnt go pet her so0o to prove that angel was actually the sweetest dog ever :) i saw these three kids riding bikes and asked them to pet the dog n they went riite up and pet her n she didnt do ne thing so0 when me n vince went inside for food colby finally pet her and then we figured out jens dog is racist cuz after colby became friends with her everytime vince wood go near her shed go nuts and bark haha its okaty vince we still luv ya then vince left and me jen n colby layed on the ground n looked at the stars n fot about the lil dipper, big dipper, and o ryans belt.... now can ne 1 answer this for me is oryans belt and the lil dipper connected????? i dun think it is but hey thats what colby said i think they all look like tirnagle lmfao! then wen colby left we went inside talked for a while and then went nitey nites
i slept at jens last niiite and then woke up at like 10 and jen woke up at 12 and then we ate and then i went home and showered and changed and stuff and then went to the mall and bot 2 shirts n then we got bored and left then we went back to my house and started to paint my room linzy was pose to come over but didnt.. then vince called me and said they wanted to come over so0 vince, clby and ali came over and they helped paint my ro0m i never gave vince money for that haha and then after we painted half of it we went down stairs and they were lifting weights they woodnt lemme they said i was gunna kill my slef i think im soo0o incredibly strong and then vince the kind kid he is ordere evry 1 pizza then we ate and then vince and ali left and then a lil while later colby went home n me n jen went inside and watched this rele good movie called odd girl out u shood watch it,, its so0o goo0d except i think the girl deserves to get shot in the head cuz shes rele incredibly stupid.......oh hey jen i always thot u were physco... now i know lmao... now im goign to go0 sit in a corner again and rock back and forth for hours hhaa i made ur day didnt i! hehe ilu ne ways that was my weekend not to exciting now i hafta do my hair becuz its like a big poof ball ergh i hate hair!!!!!!