Jan 26, 2011 15:28
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE working in a middle school. And I also absolutley love working with students who have a SLD. I never thought I would enjoy either one as much as I do. I'm so friggen glad that I get to do my student teaching with this group. So far so good on the student teaching, by the way. Yesterday I got to take over and run two entire classes (one of which I was in the room with the kids without the para for the whole time and the other one the para came in about half way through) because my teacher was in an IEP meeting. So that was wicked cool.
I just can't get enough of these kids though. The are so hysterical. It'll be hard for me to leave in May. They are just the cutest things and I love them all so much. I really hope I can get a job in a middle school an the LLD program. <3