May 21, 2005 18:37
I know that I have not been updating for like TWO weeks, I think or maybe just this week, I dont know lol. But me and my boyfriend basically broke up after nine months so I have been really really down. And I have been keeping myself so busy to keep him off of my mind. But now I have accepted that we are not together. I was puking on and off all this week because it really got to me. But I do not know, I really dont want to type about it or type it all out. It is too long lol. But anyways, I went to PA and hung out there all day by myself basically with my little brother, hoping that I would come across someone I knew and am friends with, but that didnt happen. I came across two people that I know, but I am not really friends with them. So yeah. It was a pretty good day, and I got my hair cut, OH BOY! It's so cute lol! Well I am out. Love yall!