Dec 20, 2005 15:17
Guys (if any guys still read this), is this true? It's written by an anonymous guy, to girls, and it's called "Nothing Less":
"You may be surprised just how ingrained it is in the right kind of guy to want to honor his future wife. I want to have to earn her. I want to forsake all others. I want to serve her. It's a fire, a deep-rooted longing to win her heart. So if you are out there, darling, and if you are reading this, please take this advice to heart.
"Raise your standards. Make me work to earn your attention and affections. Make me be willing to forsake everyone else. It's in me to want to have to win your heart. Raise your price tag. I'll pay any price you ask. Force me, because of how crazy I'll be about you, to want to be the man I should be. That's the way I want it. Expect perfection from me, but accept imperfection. The thought of you should make me want to be the right kind of man. Set your standards too high. I want it to be a lifelong pursuit to achieve them.
"Hold back. Make me put my heart on the line. Make me make myself the vulnerable one. Don't tip your hand completely. Make me wonder a little. You don't have to tell me right away you're in love with me, even if you are. Let me, through my sacrifice and honoring of you, finally be rewarded witht he knowledge that the feeling is mutual. Keep me guessing. Make me prove my love to you first. Let me.
"Make me honor you. Make me honor your parents. Make me fight for your attention. Make me be a gentleman. Make me hold doors open for you. Let me. Make me buy you roses; make me give you my undying attention. Let me honor you.
"Make me willing to climb a mountain to earn a smile, make me willing to commit to only you to receive a kiss. Make me fight for you. Make your love something worth giving everything else up for. Put a high price tag on your heart. I'm willing to pay anything you ask.
"So please, please hold out. Raise your standards even higher. Value yourself. Don't let me be lazy. Don't let me take you lightly. You are worth too much. A preceious gem should only be treated as such. Make me willing to die for you. Settle for nothing less."