Update on the neighbor / trash issue

Apr 04, 2013 23:38

Well, I could see that the neighbor was making an effort to get the trash out over the past couple months, but was still missing the mark on occasion. So this past weekend, I was out in the yard, and the 5 kids came out to play, and I talked with them over the fence for a while. (They are very friendly and seem to like me). I told them to come and get their mom cause I had to get permission from her to give them some sidewalk chalk.

They all ran inside and then came back out and said "she said it's ok". And I said No way Jose, I gotta talk to your mom direct. So they ran back in and got her to come out, and She said that was fine. I told her I had gotten the sidewalk chalk a while back, but the weather had been so bad that I had not seen them out when I was out. So I got the chalk and had them get started. Then I told her about the recycling program that the city has and it might be a good way for her to be able to not have to have her regular garbage overflowing.

I asked her if she was interested in having me remind her to put out her trash, because it looked like she forgot sometimes. She said she usually works late and sometimes forgets, and I told her I'd be glad to help her get it out to the road the night before if that was ok, and she said yet.

So tonight I went over and knocked on her door after I got back from the grocery store, and asked if she wanted to bring her son out to help me move the trash out and she said she would come out and she went to put on her shoes. We gabbed while we were wheeling it out and she thanked me for reminding her.

She just had her sixth child and it looks like that was why she was not up to getting it out as often. I'm glad I offered to help instead of just fuming about it. She has always been very nice in person. If I were honest with myself, I don't think I'd be any more organized than her if I had 6 kids.


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