
Nov 10, 2009 12:00

Well, my arm is healing up nicely. The cut on my arm has closed up without infection, but I'm keeping a cloth band-aid squishing it together so it does not open back up till it's completely healed. I don't want to risk an infection.

The stuff my boss used on me as an antiseptic  was called Mercurochrome. It looked like a really old bottle, so I looked it up...


EEP! Oh well...it worked!

I spent the weekend house sitting at my folks place while they went down to Florida to visit the family graves. She brought me back a seashell and some sand.  The shell was bought at Alvin's Island, so I' fairly sure it was not local (Are they ever any more?).

I was back home Sunday Evening and got stuck with a cat on my lap the rest of the evening (he missed me) and my man all affectionate. This was the third weekend in a row I was out of town and frankly I'm really really looking forward to having a weekend at home. I really want to work in the yard this weekend if it's dry to get up all the leaves. It's raining today (Tuesday).

Yesterday (Monday) I was off. I slept in and then gave myself a mini-spa grooming day. I was desperate to get out with K and do something with him, plus stretch my legs. So for the first time (in a long long time) we went to the mall. We tried out Red Robin Burgers, I had a Caesar salad with blackened chicken which was quite nice and a rootbeer float. K had some sort of mushroom onion burger. He said the meat was unimpressive, and the fixings on the burger (volume wise) served to hide the lack of taste in the burger. He said that Hardee's thickburgers were far better as far as meat quality. So in the future we will opt for Hardees when it comes to burgers. The Caesar salad was good. It was tossed perfectly (dressing to salad ratio, well distributed, etc) and the blackened chicken was tame but flavorful. I never can find a good blackened chicken anymore. When I worked at Whittle Communications, they would have events catered by Lord Lindsey? if I remember correctly, and they had a mean blackened chicken that forever served as my yardstick. I wish I could find the equivalent.

After eating we walked the mall top and bottom. Then my left ankle started aching (I'm so out of shape), and then we went to Barnes & Noble in the mall before leaving. Many of the stores in the mall had their winter/holiday displays up with appropriate photos of knit hats and gloves and scarves.. so when I went into Barnes & Noble I made a beeline for the magazine racks and perused the knitting magazines. That's when I hit on the idea to get mom something knitted for her birthday. I called her while leafing through the magazines and asked if I could knit her something for her birthday as I was cash poor. She wants me to knit her a scarf in Florida Gators colors.  That should be fairly easy.  I may have both colors - I will check tonight. If I don't then Michael's Crafts is having a sale on the Patons Classic Merino wool yarn (2 for $5) so I can pick up whichever colors I don't have.

After leaving the mall, we went to McKays. I really have a love/hate relationship with them. Booklovers are like alcoholics who don't want to leave at closing. So they are really firm about scooting people out the door right at closing. I can't say I blame them and having someone announce "McKays will be closing in X minutes..." every five minutes for the last half hour is one thing, but they should really discourage the cashiers from bitching about it while they wait for us to come up.  I was in the audio seciton, and one cashier piped up that it was four minutes till closing and there was still a lot of people in the store. I damn near dropped all my books on the floor and walked out. Instead I went straight to check out and to her and let her check me out. I commented that the acoustics were especially good here and that she could be heard loud and clear.   I hope she thinks twice in the future about being rude in front of customers.

Ever since McKay's moved they are OUT OF MY WAY. I have to Waste Gas/MAKE an EFFORT to go there.  I don't go as often as I used to because of this. Every time I think about going again, I'm going to remember this girls face and her voice bitching about my presence there. I've put a call into the store today and left a voice mail asking someone to call back. We will see how quickly they follow up. I want to know what their policy is about this kind of behavior.  Depending on their answer, I may have to suspend going there for a few months. If I do I will mail them a letter informing them of what I am doing and why.

I did buy a few books on Italian culture in their anthropology section.

exercise, eating out, gifts, mckays, customer service, knitting

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