May 08, 2009 14:59

I have a newfound respect for anybody that has ever made a fanvid. that shit takes work! I've been at it this all day and part of wednesday and I've got about three minutes done, about 80% of which I'm satisfied with. The first thirty seconds are the best. I've got about two minutes and twenty seconds of song left and NO IDEA what to do with them. Not a damn clue. Anja I couldn't have done half of it without the stuff you sent me, thank you so very much.

I think I might get about thirty more seconds or so done and then give up till Monday. Robert is getting on my nerves, he won't cooperate.

Also 2/3 roommates are gone and I'm not entirely sure what the hell I'm doing tonight. It's friday..when did this happen? This is the girl that used to accidentally over-book herself with stuff to do. Oh well, c'es la vie.  
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