i miss our midnight rides on highway eighteen

Oct 10, 2004 11:06

i'm sooo tired lol

i stayed the night at elise's last night. we stayed up talking till 3 in the morning, mostly about guys and stuff...and i realized some things too..

...main thing is that i can't keep doubting myself.

if i keep doubting myself, i will never get what i want. if i dont believe in myself, how will i ever accomplish anything?

...i need to stop doubting myself all the time, especially about one thing in particular...

but yeah i'll leave that for you to figure out

which *you* probably won't...

...because i hide things so well.

nintendo fusion tour

oct. 21 at the state theater

story of the year and lostprophets

and my chemical romance (and a few others i dont remember)

^i just heard about it on the radio

i want to go!!!  (story of the year is so awesome)

but yeah right, where would i be able to afford tickets?

actually, i went to the mall yesturday and was looking for a job and i talked to the manager at yogurt delite and she said she needs people who will work weekends and i said i am available on weekends, so i gave her my number and age and name and all that good stuff and she basiclly said she'd probably call me..

..hmm i wonder if that means i might get the job?  i need money so bad for my car and stuff...or wait i'm sorry, WHAT car?

wow i'll be 18 in about 2 months..that's crazy..how am i growing up so fast?

that would be cool if i could have a party this year...nothing big tho just something small with a few of my good friends

i keep looking outside and seeing my neighbor's halloween scarecrow on their front lawn and keep thinking it's a real guy and i'm like who is that??

well i think i've rambled on enough but if you're still on for more fun, click this if you dare.

yeah, this -->

got it from tj's journal...

...i was pretty bored...............

Where did you go to elementary school?: yake

How old are you?: 17

Whats the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?: when the tree hit our house and ceiling fell on me

What music do you like?: rock, punk, emo

If you were a flower, what would you be?: a rose

Have you ever had surgery?: no

Have you ever gotten really bad images about your teachers?: no

What teacher would be the funniest drunk?: freshy (haha anga) oh man I could only imagine ( I bet those aligators would REALLY talk to her)

What was the first kind of alchohol you ever had?: never drank

Have you ever forgotten your phone #?: yeah haha

Do you ever wear clothes just for the reaction?: not really

Do you say you dont care what people think?: sometimes

If yes, In reality, do you care or do you just say you dont?: I tend to care sorta

If you could kidnap any celebrity, who would it be?: I don’t know

Do you sing in the shower?: yep but not very loud

Have you ever danced to Hanson in front of a mirrror?: yep who hasn’t? (hah)

Have you ever had a giant crush on a guy/girl?: not obessively giant

Have you ever actually gone out with someone you had an obsessive crush on?: no I havne’t had any “obsessed” crushes…. those are kinda creepy

Have you ever pushed a pull door?: yeah all the time

Do you have a secret you have never told anyone?: don’t we all?

Do you have any tendancies that could land you in a mental instatution?: probably

Have you thought you heard your name being called, and no one was there?: yeah that happens like all the time

How many grandparents do you have?: 4

Have you ever wanted to kill someone?: nope

Do you have pets?: 2 fishies, sunshine and cheese-stick

Do you have siblings?: 2 brothers, 1 sister, 1 sister-in-law

Have you ever kissed someone in a dream?: yep

Have you ever accidently lit something big on fire (e.i. matress, house)?: no im afraid of fire

Were you obsessed with Muppets?: muppet babies, I liked them but not obsessed

Can/Could you sing along with Brittney Spears and/or N*SYNC?: yeah

Have you ever written a poem to abstain from doing something stupid?: yep

How do you vent extra emotion?: play my guitar or write poems

What is something that a lot of people dont know about you?: I tend to hide what I’m really feeling sometimes

What is the most innacurate thing you have ever been labled?: prep (to me, preps are stuck up bitches who only think of themselves) and thats not me so I hate when people judge me as that….at least, I hope that’s not how people see me :-/ cuz I’m not

What stereotype do you hate the most?: I don’t know

What stereotype are you nearest to?: blonde (lol yeah my friends can tell you that)

What friend has hurt you the most ?: I don’t know

What girlfriend/boyfriend/crush?: one that most people don’t even know I liked..

Who's house would you take the greatest pleasure in toiletpapering?: haha..

Whats the best prank or practicle joke you have ever played?: haha lets just say the funniest one involved tj, john, and bushes at a park

If you could have any career, what would it be?: musician

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: somewhere thats warm all year

Which teacher's lesson plan would you like to burn?: szchmanski

What teacher do you wish would teach you for all grades?: vrabel

How many toes do you have?: 8736.943repeating

well i'm gonna go try to finish my song, i'm working on the solo now

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