Oct 08, 2005 06:12
Im bored and lonely. Its 6 in the am and im still up. I absolutly hate being alone anymore, its rather depressing, i come home and sit in the dark playing solitare all night and wait for danielle to get on line before she goes to school. I hope i dont annoy her when i do that. I know first thing after you get up its hard to sit and talk. Or if its the weekends i sit up all night and around daylight fall asleep and wake up wondering what to do with myself because danielle works.I normally still get to see her though. We watched Stigmata together which was pretty cool. I like that movie alot. Wow its kinda hard for me to believe that at the end up the month i have been with danielle for a year. I have spent the last year in absolute happieness. God did i turn around after i met her. I have cried more times in this last year infront of her than i have ever in my whole life, and honestly every teardrop was worth it and i would do it again if i had the chance. Well im getting tired now i think i am gonna go to bed.