Dec 20, 2006 19:26
Have you ever felt so wholey accepted by people that you can`t even explain it? Have you ever been clapped and supported by a sportshall full of people who don`t really know you but wish you the best regardless? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity and never ending patience of the people around you that you wish you could stay and never have to leave?
When i came here, i couldn`t have imgained how it would change me. I have been so accepted by people here, more than i ever was in Eng;and and there are more diffeernces between me and them, and the language barrier and`s just...remarkable. I feel so much more of a person now, like i`m allowed to be me, just the way i am, and that i don`t need to change in order for people to accept me. That if people have a problem with me it`s their issue not mine.
I wish i could thank all of these people here. They have truely taught me so many valuable things about life and people. I would trust them completely, with everything.