(no subject)

Feb 19, 2007 08:04

1. Who was your first prom date?
Katie Lentz. Seriously. And she was fantastic.

2. Who was your first roommate?
Susannah Pollack in Chautauqua when I was...11? Something like that.

3. What alcoholic beverage did you first drink?
Hahaha. What was it, Katie, a Bahama Mama? Incedently, my very first drink ever was a legal one in the Bahamas.

4. What was your first job?
Mmmm, technically Jackson Comfort Systems, and then McDonald's, and then back to JCS.

5. What was your first car?

6. When did you go to your first funeral?
My great-grandfather's. But I was very young.

7. Who was your first bf/gf you told I love you too and meant it?

8. Who was your first grade teacher?
Mrs. Calhoun. She was scary. My brother told her we lived on a farm and she believed him.

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
Bahamas, I think.

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with??
Never have, surprisingly. Unless you count the time when I was 7 when I jumped out of my window in a snow suit to go play in the snow because my mom wouldn't let me. And then couldn't get back in, so I had to ring the doorbell...that did not go well...

11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
Hahaha. Amy Fisher, I think? And no.

12. Where was your first sleep-over?
Absolutely no idea. I'd venture to guess Amy's.

13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Sort of fluxuates. Michael, Katie, Kristin, Julie...

14. Whose wedding were you in the first time?
My Aunt Kim's.

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Turn on my computer.

16. What was the first concert you ever went to?
John Mayer and Maroon 5.

17. First tattoo or piercing?
Ears. But I'm pretty positive the tat is coming soon.

18. First celebrity crush?
Hahaha. Jude Law, maybe?

19. First crush?
Andrew. Without a doubt.

21. First time you smoked a cigarette?
Quite recently. Probably last year? Whenever Colin started smoking.

22. First pets name?
Erin, Sammy, and Mack.

200 pages behind on reading? 10 hours behind on sleeping? Do a survey! Obviously. Things are going well here. I'm reallllly behind on all of the things that Denison views as important, but have done some major catching up on people time this week/weekend. And I think that's just as important.

I meet the boy's parents on Thursday. Good god. This is the fastest moving relationship of all time. I'm sort of nervous. I've never been in such a formal setting for the first-time-parent-meeting-thing. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I'm pretty awkward/quiet...Anyways. Things are going really well on that front. Things are good with all of my friends who were being a little odd last week. I have a lot of reading to catch up on, but it's fun reading, so that's good. Spring Break is in...three weeks? I get to see Michael then, plus hang out with my awesome aunt, and mom. I come home a week from Friday to see the play, and for Dustin to come to Kent. I'll get to see almost everyone else I really want to see then. So that's all good. Seriously. My life took a crazy upwards turn, like a month ago...thank god. 2007 is looking to be soooo much better than the shit that was 2006. Anyways. Jane Austen calls to me. Au revoir!
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