Surveying Goodness! ...Yeah I'm bored :D

Jan 05, 2005 01:54

First of all, what is the time? :: 1:55am

+ About Yourself +

Name :: Steph
Age :: 18
Date of birth :: November 22nd, 1986
Gender :: Female
Where are you from? :: Woodbridge
Nicknames :: Stephy, Daddy's Defect
Middle name(s) :: Lynn
Do you have any pets? :: 1 Cat - Simba (male), 2 Dogs *in Florida* - Roxy (female) & Maxx (male)
What makes you happiest? :: Friends, Boyfriend, my cat <3
What makes you the saddest? :: Being heartbroken :(

+ Have You Ever +

Said ‘I Love You’ and not meant it? :: Never. I can't do that...
Taken drugs? :: Indeedy
Been cautioned/arrested? :: Yes lol
Been to a concert? :: Several, yay!
Cried during a movie? :: Yep.. Me = Wuss :$
Been on stage? :: In school, yea
Witnessed a crime? :: AHAHAH YEA! At the MMTO Roller Hockey game we saw that kid get arrested for stealing!
Swore at your parents? :: Only my mom, and often
Been abroad? :: ......I.... Don't.... Know?... I'll go with yes? :D
Been on holiday? :: Yeppers!
Failed a grade? :: Haha, no
Told the person you had a crush on you liked them? :: Yea.. Never again =\
Ran away from home? :: Mmmmmmhmm... Many a times, lately.

+ Last Thing You Did +

Last thing you ate :: Rice and Porkchops at John's house on Saturday (I'm sick.. Can't eat) <3 Yummy!
Last drink you drank :: Orange Juice
Last magazine you read :: Cosmo
Last person you spoke to :: Makk <333333333
Last person you emailed :: *Pukes* Phil
Last thing you bought :: Corset + Pinstripe pants
Last shop you went in :: Bluenotes
Last song you listened to :: Random Trance songs Makk had playing over the phone
Last website you went on :: <--- Isn't that a big surprise... *Rolls eyes*
Last time you said anything :: Half an hour ago or so.

+ Celebrities +

Which celebrity would you most like to meet? :: Johnny Depp!
Who was your first celeb crush? :: lolol Johnathan Taylor Thomas
Who is you current celeb crush? :: Johnny Depp (<3) and/or Ashton Kutcher and/or Adam Brody
Which celebs have your parents got crushes on? :: I have no idea. I know my step-mom thinks Johnny Depp's hot..
Have you ever met a famous person? :: The guys of Bowling For Soup and Branden, the drummer of The Used <3333333
Have you ever seen a band in concert? :: Holy hell yes lol

+ Favourites +

Favourite colour :: Blue
Favourite band :: The fucking Used <33333333333
Favourite solo singer :: Not a clue lol
Favourite film :: Pirates of the Caribbean
Favourite song :: It'll always be "Noise and Kisses" by The Used..
Favourite album :: Right NOW, In Love and Death (The Used), but I love their first one too
Favourite TV programme :: The O.C. :D
Favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character :: Can't choose... Phoebe if I have to pick one lol
Favourite day of the week :: Friday
Favourite day of the year :: November 26th <3
Favourite type of music :: Punk (Sorry darlin.. I may like Trance now, but I'll always be a punk kid!)
Favourite TV channel :: FOX I guess? Buh
Favourite boys name :: Mike, Shawn, Anthony.. I dunno lol I don't like thinking about it
Favourite girls name :: Christina, Natalie.. Isn't it ironic those are my best friends' names? :P
Favourite person in the world :: I can't pick one person... Makk, Stina, Nat and Anthony are the people I'm closest too though, and my Dad... <3

+ Body Matters +

Do you like your body? :: Meh, not particularily, but I won't complain
What would you change about your body if you had the chance? :: Tummy.. I'd be nice for it to be flat and toned and such. *Shrug*

+ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes +

Do you like the shape of your head? :: I.. Guess so?...
Do you like your eyes? :: Yayaya
What colour are your eyes? :: Green or Hazel, depends
What would you change about your face? :: Acne *Thumbs down*
Are you attractive/average/ugly? :: Average =\
Have you got broad shoulders? :: Nope
Do you like your shoulders? :: Yeah I s'pose
Have you got knobbly knees? :: Shure don't
Are they fat/chubby/skinny? :: No.. They're um.. Normal? lol
Do your feet? :: Do my feet what, exactly? lol
Describe your feet? :: I don't know. They're just there. I hate feet. Ew.

+ Tattoos and Piercings +

Have you got any tattoos or piercings? :: Yep!
How many do you have? :: 10 Piercings
What are they of? :: 6 ears, 1 cartiledge, eyebrow, tongue, naval
Do you think lip, belly, eyebrow and nose piercings look good? :: Shure do! Cept nose.. I'm not too fond of 'em..
What do you think of sleeves (tattoos all on the arm)? :: It suits certain people
Would you ever consider getting a tattoo - if you don’t already have one? :: Yeah, I want one
If yes, what would you have? :: I dunno, but I'm designing it myself!

+ Emotions +

Do you show your emotions much? :: Yea.. I wear my heart on my sleeve :(
What scares you most in life? :: Other than spiders? lol Dying alone and not being loved...
What angers you most in life? :: Liars :@ <-- My angry face, rawr!
What upsets you most in life? :: Hypocrisy, Racism/Discrimination/Etc
What makes you happy in life? :: Love <3
What helps cheer you up? :: I dunno but whatever it is, Makk can do it :$
Who is usually there for you when you feel down? :: Makk, Anthony or Christina
Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: Not really. About the same
Is the glass half full or half empty? :: Depends (filling it up = half full, drinking it/spilling it = half empty)
How short is your temper? :: Very =\

+ Choose One +

Tom Delonge/Mark Hoppus :: I like Travis Barker, personally lol But Tom :P
Blink-182/Busted :: Blink 182
Busted/McFly :: I don't know who either are :D
Ashton Kutcher/Topher Grace :: Ashton Kutcher
Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: Home... While snuggling :$
Crisps/Chips :: Chips
McDonalds/KFC :: McDonalds
Rock music/Pop music :: Rock
Punk/RnB :: Punk
Black/White :: Black
Hot/Cold :: Hot
Red/Blue :: Blue
Happy/Sad :: Happy
Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore :: Cameron Diaz
Avril Lavigne/Fefe Dobson :: I'm going to kick myself for this, but Avril Lavigne (though I hate them both!!!!!)
Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: Face to face

+ Random Questions +

If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? ::

If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would you choose? ::
1. Johnny Depp
2. Bert of The Used (or all of them :P)
3. Kurt Cobain
Who would play you in a film about your life? :: I don't have the slightest clue.. Though Kate Beckingsale is my favorite actress :D
What’s the first word you lay your eyes on after you’ve finished reading this sentence? :: Pirates
Do you have posters on your wall? :: Shure do
If yes, how many have you got? :: 10 full-size posters, 3 smaller posters, and a bunch of magazine pics
Who or what are they of? :: 3 Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, 3 The Used, 2 Spongebob Squarepants, 1 PowerPuff Girls, 1 Blink182 <-- fullsize posters, won't name the others
What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: 9:00 already passed tonight, but at that point I was watching a movie. Tomorrow night at 9pm, probably absolutely nothing
How much jewellery are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? :: Not much.. Unless you count piercing jewelery :P 7 earings, eyebrow ring, tongue ring, belly ring, bracelet and necklace (<3)
Do you have a life motto? :: No :D lol
Have you ever been in love? :: Yep..
Who was your first non-famous crush? :: This kid Chad in 3rd grade when I lived in Indiana.. I was in love with that kid and he liked my mom lololol
What is your marital status? :: Taken :$
What is the weather like outside right now? :: I dunno, I haven't left my room in 4 days.. Prolly cold and snowing?
Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: Bottle of Advil!!! My savior...
Do you like watching TV? :: Not really
Describe the chair you’re sitting on :: It's gray and comfy and new and moves up and down.. I dunno, it's a computer chair!
Have you enjoyed this survey? :: Yes. Yes I have.

Now, we will finish as we started - what is the time? :: 2:27am :D
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