Articles of Interest and a Bit More

Aug 03, 2011 14:06


  1. Somali Iftar - Ramadan Recipes
  2. Fasting in animals
  3. U.S. Muslims face long, hot days of Ramadan
  4. Local Muslims prepare to fast during long, hot days of Ramadan
  5. In hot weather, Muslims still fast for Ramadan
I have started my fasting day with a tuna sandwich and 1-2 glasses of water each day so far.  I use a whole wheat bread.  Because I have eaten only hours prior (because I'm working) I'm not too hungry.  Last night when I came in I had a bowl of some wonderful bean soup I'd made, sushi rolls filled with pickled cucumber I'd also made, and a very large fruit smoothy made with coconut and almond milk as well as frozen veggies.  I drank about 2 glasses of water as well.


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