I be sickly. :(
Though not terribly. Just exhausted, and my skin hurts, and my face aches, and my nose won't stop running. But really, quite functional other than that. Except I'm still excusing myself from work. :D
In other news, a meme! This time stolen from
jazmin_firewing -- she asked me five questions, which I will answer here. If anyone wants questions asked of them, comment saying so (if you don't say you want in, I won't give you questions, 'cause that'd be giving myself more work to do, ew) and I'll grill you and you answer the questions in your own journal. Blah de blah blah.
1. Do you still dream of the Pack house, even though Pack has mostly fallen apart?
Call me misanthropic, but the Pack house, for me, was never really about the inhabitants, so therefore it wasn't about Pack living there. It was about envisioning a sanctuary that had all I wanted, and creating a home, a haven, a retreat, for people to relax and work at peace. I'm idealistic, and I like my little plans and details. So yes, I still daydream about it -- lately I've been thinking about laundry chutes.
2. Name one place you'd like to go before you die, and explain why.
This is one of those questions that I'm very tempted to answer by not answering it. That non-answer would go something like "I haven't been anywhere, so I have no basis of knowledge telling me what places I would or wouldn't like to see. I'd like to go everywhere, anywhere, and blahblahblah" but really, eff that. I wanna go to Rivendell. Does that really need an explanation?
3. Do you still read fanfiction?
No. Not that I wouldn't, but I just don't. I don't have time, I guess. I've been reading through Copperbadge's archives, as I started reading them when his lj was hacked and never finished. Once I'm done with that, I have a bajillion and one webcomics to catch up on.
4. What, in your opinion, is the coolest thing anyone could ever invent?
Teleportation. I'd be all over that. I'm not terribly original in my desires and ideas for invention. But distance between people and locations sucks. Therefore: teleportation.
5. Where's my letter? How are you liking Glee? Who's your favorite character?
Your letter is buried somewhere in my room; I promise I will unearth it, finish/rewrite it, and get it to you ASAP, really. Gleeeee <3 But Justine, you don't watch it, do you? Anyway, returning to my misanthropy, I don't really love any of the characters. Part of why I like the show is that we get good and bad sides of all the characters. Unfortunately, there are some really flat characters, or at least characters that feel flat to me (Kurt*). I guess if I had to pick someone, I'd say Artie. Or Tina. Or Puck. Er... yeah, I dunno. I need to rewatch, methinks.
*Mild family backstory/fatherly interaction does not a personality make.
I always end up watching shows after they've aired, and particularly after they've been canceled, and I've become used to watching episodes one after the other and being able to absorb character traits and story arcs without a week's interruption in between. Glee has been one of the few shows that I've watched when it airs, and I... don't know where I'm going with this. So much for introspection. :P
Opinions on my answers are most welcome. Have at.