Christmas Letters to Santa. I obviously started with the fandoms either I'm into, or my flist are into and a few that were really popular last year. But I'm open to requests on these. Please note that the font used to write the 'names' gets really hard to read in small size or if I 'squish' it together, so long requests aren't going to look good or be able to be done. Thus a lot of 'ships' were cut when I made my first round. I'm happy to 'try' anything you request though. Please do notes that I did cover the fandoms I know, so asking me to do "stargate" or "star trek" or what ever won't help me. I actually need to know what 'names' or 'items' or what ever you'd like to see. I'm forseeing closing the requests on or around the 18th of December and I will make them as quickly as I can for you. I'll comment back to you, but put your icons in the main post. Also, remember just because I use a name for one fandom doesn't mean it won't cross over (like there's a "Charlie" in just about ever fandom out there) snag my LOST one even if you mean it for another show. :) AND...if I missed something in a fandom, just let me know, I'll make more from something I've already done, no worries.
Fandoms Included: [1-7] Battlestar Galactica [8] Dollhouse [9-18] Firefly [19-36] Glee [37-41] Harry Potter [42-63] Lost [64-65] Generic [66-76] Twilight [77-On] Requests