For my holiday gift today I wanted to thank everyone who has friended this little icon lj of mine. To do so, I spent yesterday reviewing each of your profiles. It was really interesting to get to know you. I then made each of you an icon based on something in your interests (or if you didn't have any interests listed, based on the lj communities you have friended). Since I don't know most of you, I might not have hit your interest spot on...but it's the thought that counts...right? The table shows who's interest it is and what I picked from your list (although, hopefully that's obvious by the picture in the icon...hehe).
You in NO WAY have to save or use the icon I made you. I tried to pick interests of yours that might be liked on a broad scale. So please feel free to snag "others" icons if you like them as well. And as much as I wanted to make a ton more Sam Anders or Charlie Pace icons...I tried to pick something I don't icon all the time. :)
You'll have two entries from me tomorrow. One with your holiday gift and one with last weeks iContests. If you are looking for perty icons myself and the other iconers would love your votes at celeb20in20 and tvfilm20