10variations, Famous People: Actors: Monaghan, Dominic

May 07, 2008 21:58

Community: 10variations
Category: Famous People
Sub-category: Actors
Subject: Monaghan, Dominic
Image URL: See here
Set of rules used: Both

01. - original
02. - rotated
03. - desaturate
04. - mirror
05. - double

06. - alter color
07. - whole
08. - texture
09. - original only
10. - not square

01. - popart
02. - old english font
03. - a font that's "in"
04. - dots 'n dashes
05. - glowy dots

06. - little inset pictures
07. - huge white/black space
08. - repeat the pic
09. - blinkies/Animated
10. - just one color

Alternate for Group B Rule 3 (an In font):

For those of you who might want the font in this icon, it's here.

dominic monaghan, actors, 10variations

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