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Aug 02, 2010 02:53

Today I cried listening to a really random but somewhat touching news story on NPR. Like...super cried.

...My hormones have been going haywire for the last month and I don't like it. I've even gone to the doctor about it and she was like, "Meh. Call me if you're not better in 3 months." Being a girl sucks sometimes. :-/ And I refuse to think that simply popping OC will fix things. I'm just going to try to eat better and exercise better (I've sucked at both lately) and see what happens.

In other news, I'm starting school back again, yay! I unfortunately mainly have upper-level classes left to take, but I'm still so excited to have homework again! If everything goes according to plan, I will have a BA in Philosophy and Pan-African Studies (double major, what what?!) in December 2011. God, one year...The shitty thing is that if I didn't have this pretty nice job with steady income, I might be able to get a Philosophy degree in the Spring if I wanted. But I can't just.... quit? With school starting in three weeks and no other income? Psssh. Financial stress is partly what made me go crazy in the first place, I'd like to not go through that again. I think I'd rather take the extra semester and have the money to be independent and comfortably live on my own rather than risk being poor, really stressed out, and living at home for a while. Ya know? Especially if I am at least making connections in the process, the extra time could actually be beneficial. But yeah, this is why it's so much better if you can get school done when you're young. You don't have the added stress of responsibility and finances, you just have your young ambition to get you through school. Anywho...This semester should be no problem with Chase, and I hopefully can work out my schedule with work in the Spring. Next Fall will be a different story though. Hopefully by then I'll be able to find a better job anyway, but I don't see how I'd be able to work a 9-5 my last semester. That's a year though, I'll worry about things then.

Wanna know my schedule?!?!? Yes? Okay!

HUM 596 Humanities Perspective on Religion and the Media TTH 8:00-9:15am
PAS 205 Race, Color, and Consciousness ONLINE
PAS 590 ? (need a 500 level Social Science for both majors, gimme a break) TTH 11:00-12:15pm
PAS 329 Slavery and the Slave Trade ONLINE

Busy Tuesdays/Thursdays especially since I'm sure I'll be closing at work ('til 6:15), but whatever. I'm awesome, I can do it as long as I'm focused. And hopefully Brennan will be a sweetheart and let me stay with him sometimes on Monday/Wednesday nights, so even if I am super busy with homework and stuff I'll still be able to spend a little time with him at least.

So, um, in about 3 weeks I'll be available to hang out pretty much on Saturday and Sunday nights. Let's make the best of it dudes!? I swear I'm not satisfied in the amount I've seen people lately. I think lots of bad food at the Back Door with all my friends is in order.
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