And the Award Goes to?, a buffy: the vampire slayer fanfic | FanFiction

Nov 24, 2012 18:30

Now, I like a bit of slash as much as the next woman.  If I woke up tomorrow with a dick, I'd be off to the local cottage like a shot.  But I am disappointed - do you hear me? DISAPPOINTED! - with the lack of femslash in fanfiction.  How can we expect our favourite alpha males to indulge in exploratory sexual behaviour if we're not willing to do a bit of exploration ourselves?  That's my excuse, anyway.  I hope you enjoy the fic and, just in case you were wondering, yes, it does contain a smattering of my own real life experiences.  Couldn't resist.

Credit for the icon goes to wickedgrdn

And the Award Goes to?, a buffy: the vampire slayer fanfic | FanFiction

virgins, buffy the vampire slayer, oral, femslash, first time, willow rosenberg, erotic fiction, cordelia chase, fanfic

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