take me back in time and let me feel it..<3

Feb 21, 2005 19:47

so every one of you besides Deer Valley people could care less about everything that has to do with this place called Deer Valley, aka heaven on earth.. but i am going to write it anyway.

i'll start with thursday.
after waiting in school the entire day, i went to the airport to pick up Katieeee.
reunited with that pal of mine, and went back to my house, bryan came over, we watched the OC, and then just talked and caught up and had a great time.
Friday, i woke up and went to school while katie slept in. i got out after second period. came home.. and went to get my haircut
.. excuse the mean look. just ignore the face. thanks.
after shedding a couple pounds of hair, we walked over to Chef Palinos and then realized this was an ocasion only for friendlys.
so after eating there, we went home and left for Deerrrrrrr Valley President's Day Weekend '05. yessssssss.

after meeting up with everyone at DV, the fun begins. and i'm not even going to try to say everything that happened, because.. well.. words cannot describe the feeling you get when you're there. and trying to tell you what happened would just be a insult to the real greatness of it all. tehe.

hehe.. CH!! .. team jessica, staying up until 3:00, sledding down the hill with more grass than snow, "ohhh my goshhhhh", loving every single person there. feeling completely content. yoga with carrie. <-- the most amazing feeling ever. i could go on and on. but i will leave it at that. beautiful place, beautiful people, and wishing i was there. so after all the greatness, today we came home and i had to take katie to the airport. saddest thing i've experienced in a loonnnnng time. some of you most likely have friends move away and things like that. so you probably know what i'm talking about. sitting at the airport, talking about the good times we had this weekend, trying to block out the feeling that its all over now until next year. i don't know what i would do if i never met katie. i love that gurllll. so i come home crying, some warm welcomes. and some not. which was really disappointing.. seeing as i truly missed this person.. which is rare. i usually don't give home much thought at all when i'm at deer valley. but oh well.. and i've realized how freakin lucky i am to have a place like deer valley. when i come home i am so upset and just, disappointed i guess, that not everyone is like people at dv, and you can't always be "at home" so to speak. and i'll live with that, for now. i just can't wait until july when i can see everyone again <3.

sorry, i had to get that out reallllllly badly. and i'll leave you with some pictures from this weekend.. but the GOOD ones are on my disposable one.. soon to be developed.

you know how we do..

it was too pretty to not put here.

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