Jan 18, 2005 23:11
I'm completely drained! literally.. I gave blood today! For me today was a very smooth easy going day. Unfortunately some of my friends are going through some stuff though. I can only send my prayers to them and hope for the very best. ( u guys know if u need me i'm here anyway!) What can I say I <3 my friends!. . .
I started health today. I can already tell that it's gonna be a shitty class b/c the lady was already bitching at us. But, then again the majority of my class LOVES to test authority. Atleast i know my limits. O0o0o i know this is random, but, I really love when u spend a good 30min thinking about some good stuff. In 3months time I should be super happy :o) (u'll inderstand why someday but till then u will be left in suspense haha) I really do trust that it will come out for the best. I am looking 4ward to the beach, which is a super fun place to chill as well as many, many other places. I know I am not making sense anymore so I"ll just leave an go to sleep b4 i fall asleep on this very keyboard.