Aug 27, 2010 23:37
welcome welcome all and all im stressed the fuck out and have been for quite some time now i mean yeah i have a job untill the 30th and yeah i have a great girlfriend but i mean i owe 393 or did well 257 now but my birthday is next week and i owe 111.02 before sep 11th or 9/11 for those with cynical hilarity but i mean its just some straight out bullshit its like almost every single time i go and get shit started again i somehow magically get fucked over again i mean my dad lost his job again but i kind of saw that coming i kind of got used to it after moving every 8 months or so as a child shit goes wrong over and over its a fact ive been accustomed to for quite some time now i still have to get a damn radiator, cv axles, transmission flush, rim, tire , bunch of other shit and i fjsog;hsdlfhwklo;rvhovuhbsdo;uhfcv;weijvbflwukivi;sdfuvsd FUCK im starting to go crazy a little bit and starting to not care just a little bit im starting to lose control again and its not really a good sign i just wish that something could go right for at least a month it would be rare to see that happen but whatever i guess im going to go and join the rest of the people admiduvheivdouh fuck i need to not get into a depression i mean my birthday is next week and i will be 21 but i doubt anything good will come from that the past 5 or 6 birthdays of mine have been completely destroyed i sat in a car for my 17th because my mom just HAD to go to iowa to "see her friends" so i puked because i wasq high and drunk then rode home in a car the entire birthday then blah blah blah lets see 18th i spent in dallas ga where i lived and the only people to show up were tj and chris and we walked to waffle house and it kinda sucked lets see 19th samantha destroyed by being a psycho girlfriend getting drunk and taking a bunch of xanax and being a crazy bitch lets see 20th got destroyed by a whale nuff said lets see how this one goes lets see how the future job hunting goes if i dont get the job at liz's appt's i dont really fucking know anymore i just know almost all of my money will get borrowed by my parents now if my dad cant find a job then i will be stuck in this hole of my life and wont do shiiiitttt FFUUUCCKKCKCKCKCK i dunno what to do anymore and it kind of pisses me the fuck off really im done im gonna go get drunk now also fuck miss gail stupid bitch ged teacher telling me im a failure fucking cunt whore i will slit your throat bitch