A nice thought after Valentines Day...

Feb 15, 2006 14:33

Cool thought after Valentines Day...
Cool thought after Valentines Day...
Current mood: rejuvenated

Last night I was at this meeting and they of course brought up the Scripture 1 Corinthians 13--the love chapter. Well of course I've read it dozens of times and yet I read part of it like it was new again.

Right now I don't remember which verse...I wanna say it was 9 and 10, but anyway it's the part that talks about how we know and see in PART but when perfection comes the imperfect disappears. That's really how I feel right now. There are areas of my life that I"m just clinging to faith and trusting God cause it doesn't always seem like they'll work out BUT God promises so I just gotta believe. And I believe that when He does what I'm waiting for, instead of me trying so hard to make it work, it's all going to come into balance. So my knowing only a little about what God is going to do forces me to walk by faith and rely on Him and I don't need to be concerned about how it'll work out cause it will.

And I was talking to my friend last night and she was tellin all the girls about how you totally submit your desires over to God and have your heart in the right place and that is when he can give you what you really want...like a relationship. It's so cool that I totally got what she was saying and was in full agreement. She even commented that God doesn't necessarily want you to give up your desires but to give them to Him and I agreed fully. It is so freakin amazing to want a relationship really bad, but not at the expense of compromising yourself or going against God's will for you. It's so cool to want something so bad and yet submit it fully to Him. It's cool to walk around campus where there are young men EVERYWHERE and not be concerned about trying to meet them and date around. It's cool to care about your guy friends deeply without expecting something in return--though a part of you is hoping that there will be a friendship that becomes a romance, you're not relying on one to. It's really cool to not feel like you have to use the advice of books like "He's not that into you" or "I gave Dating a Chance" or "The art of being dumped" or whatever else the heck is out there. It's really cool to not have to live up to an image. It's really cool that sometimes you feel you can't possibly do everything right to find someone, but you don't have to and you don't have to care. It's cool that there is a confidence I can have as a believer and it surpasses all understanding. And though I may lose faith in myself at times, underneath hurt there is a peace because I don't have to rely on myself. I never knew that I would be a Christian my whole life and yet not come to that place of passion and realization of my salvation through Jesus Christ until I was 20. Christ gave us life so that we might live. I knew since I was young that I was saved...but now He's showing me how to live!

I guess what I'm trying to express is that it's like looking to the future with suspense. Not knowing what will happen, but desparately wanting to know, and having to wait, and being excited and anxious all at once.

So anyway I was just thinking. This is what life is all about sometimes when you're 20ish---Hey I'm gonna turn 21 in a week!!!!!! Whewww hooo!!!!!!!! I don't have plans though, oh well.
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