Aug 12, 2004 23:32
Went to great adventure again with Dale, Ryan, Adam, and Nick. we went on mudusa...SWINGS! haha holy shit that was so funny. i cant believe the guy said "vanessa is a veen" on the loudspeaker that was halrious though. "such a veen such a veen." haha we went on that like 5 times. we went on the ferris wheel and all the guys wanted to go on one side and me and dale got scared so i sat on the other side and adam sat on top of me..when i tried to switch sides i couldnt because ryan and adam were blocking me. ryan and nick kept on stuffing leaves down my shirt. smartt. yea then adam wanted to carry me so he did lol then he passed me to dale who held me for a bit then back to adam and then adam gave me to ryan lol very weird. we went to go see a magic show. haha that was so funny. nick got up on stage and he hadda funny he lost though o well we cheered for him. they ate funnel cake and adam ew had this cheese preztel and ryan has a regular pretzel. me and nick got into a powder fight he threw powder and it was alll over me. then adam said something mean and i chased him and nick followed and pour water on me greatt. and i punched adam alot in the shoulder sorry adam. me and dale bumped heads alot lol. we went on the log flume me dale and adam sat together i got the front.. and we got soaked because of these kids... tsk. yea so we ran to the season pass entrance becuase we were late so we got in the car and stuff and went back to adams. brendan came there too. so it was me brendan adam nick ryan and dale. we played the dark game i suck at that game dale ran into a lamp haha nick and ryan separately flipped me over the couches lol ryan raped me in the dark haha through out the whole day me and adam were slapping each other lol yea so the teams for the dark game was me dale and brendan vs ryan adam and nick and then it was me ryan and nick vs dale brendan and adam lol wow. i turned on the lights once im so proud lol me nick brendan adam and ryan like 4 wayed hugged and like humped me i like um thanks. then we went outside to play manhunt. it was me brendan and nick vs ryan adam and dale. ok so they hid while we counted. brendan was chasing adam and i thought i could get adam but noo he like did some crazy move shit that sent me flying and then i banged into brendan and we tumbled down the hill into a pine tree lol that hurt my ass lol yea so we went to the courts and then left and then went back because some kid wanted to kick adams ass so we all went down there and this pussy ass kid like flipps out on adam and there like fighting in the street when ryans dad pulls up crazzy yea the whole time me and dale were standing there.. and was like umm yea what do we do now? lol then nick and brendan left and then adam took dale and me home thats it.