Feb 11, 2005 21:53
Hello all.
Well today sucked! I had to go to Camille's class, Vedo was absent... it was ok but after I was in there i wondered why i showed up in the first place, and then its like i go to get bitched at man, the minute I walk in there she has shit for me some bullshit note about how next time I get to her class late she's gonna send me to the office, KISS MY ASS!!! I give you permission to slap me next time i even walk in the vicinity of that classroom. After school I thought my mom was gonna pick me up right away, but I was wrong. I got to go to my LAVA'S house and we had fun we didn't cum back to school 'till late(pun intended) It was funny as we're standing waiting for the bus my mom drove by and picked me up. I thought she was gonna be pissed but she didn't care...I think she really likes Anthony it must be him because I'm sure that in any other situation she would have flipped. Whatever. Me and Anthony didn't get to go out but I brought him to my ex's house. It was funny he didn't even know that I was bringing him here. His family is driving him crazy. I honestly think that he's not gonna be able to function in society if he stays in that house. Tomorrow is solo and ensemble, Go Cav Singers. I starting to hate Cabby but I love insignia so I will root for them. He's driving me crazy, I can't deal with his fuckin gay mood swings. Well I'm off. "till next time, remember...winners never quit and quitter's never win!!!