im a skydiver! WATCH OUT BELOW

May 27, 2004 17:25

personality test result at some website.. they said it was hardcore 10 pages.
Gloria, you're a Skydiver!

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Skydiver which means you are a Seeker / Golden Your primary sub-type is defined by "Seeker" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics.
That means you're open minded, extroverted, free-spirited, and independent. Chances are you're pretty liberal. You're like a magnet for love and affection. People adore you. And, thanks to that healthy dose of self-confidence, you're super-flexible. You are a hardworker / leader, and always seem to be there to step up to any challenge.

so yeah i wana go skydiving when i turn 18. being a "skydiver" just reminded me that that is on my list of things to do.

margaret and i went around spazzing at lunch, as usual.
i was called albino twice today. "you know what you need..... sun. your so, WHITE"
and dont forget the classic... "Do you have whiteout i can borrow?" "Use your skin!"
albino mexican for life, your jealous you penis hoes. MUAHAHA
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