Fic: Intent

Jul 26, 2017 12:23

Title: Intent [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Deb (mention of Max, Tally, Dree, and everyone else)
Rating: G
Summary: Deb receives an unexpectedly expected message
Warning: after Walk Away *Written for Writing About Writing at writerverse. Max is currently serving on a crew in a Mass Effect RPG, and no one believes he has a girlfriend. o.O ( Read more... )

-writerverse, goldfish

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bizarra July 26 2017, 16:29:49 UTC
Dawwwww. <3<3

That boy indeed.


erinm_4600 July 26 2017, 16:36:33 UTC
Riley, me? Really? o.O

Of course, three rounds of edits after posting is normal. LOL


bizarra July 26 2017, 16:40:56 UTC
I was wondering about that... LOL


erinm_4600 July 26 2017, 16:41:51 UTC
I was going to include Kasey, but I can't for the life of me remember what Eric's name is. *hangs head in shame*

And, really... I SHOULD have been working. o.O


bizarra July 26 2017, 16:48:55 UTC

... )


erinm_4600 July 26 2017, 17:09:33 UTC

... )


bizarra July 26 2017, 17:10:54 UTC

... )


erinm_4600 July 27 2017, 14:23:51 UTC
And I realized I could have sworn I wrote a section about Senior's ranch being there, the the family deciding to move to solid ground... must have imagined it. o.O


bizarra August 1 2017, 16:45:36 UTC
No idea... LOL


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