Original: The New Key

Nov 22, 2015 22:53

Title: The New Key
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Audrey and El'Ari (mention of Jack and Worf)
Rating: G
Summary: It's time to break the relocation news
Warning: *Written for Dialogue Only at writerverse.
Disclaimer: EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!! This is an AU!Dree for a roleplaying game over at InsaneJournal, which has since closed.

"I thought we were past the days of you bringing me presents from the airport."

"Just shut up and open it, already."

"Fine, fine... ...smaller than the usual shot glass."

"We could open a shot glass store with all the shot glasses we have."

"Maybe if you stopped buying shot glasses- a keychain. Thank you."

"Well, new car. New keychain."

"This isn't a key to the new car, El."

"No, it isn't."

"Then what is it for?"

"Your present."

"I thought this was my present?"

"It is. But it's just the cherry on top."
"... What-"

"Look at it, real hard."

"It's a pink surfboard and a silver key. Hmm. Looks almost like a house... key. What did you do, El?"

"You're welcome?"

"El. What does this key go to?"

"The front door."

"Of what house?"

"The one in San Diego."

"We have a house in San Diego? Since when?"

"Since about... a week ago? Maybe two."

"Wha- Why- How-"

"I think you only need 'when' and 'where', babe."

"This is serious, El. You bought a house? In San Diego?"

"Yes. I bought a house. In San Diego."

"Why? What about this house?"

"Because that house will be closer to my new job. Which, really... is pretty much my old job. And it's closer to your new job. And this house is great, but this place is terrible and all the things I had hoped and planned for us backfired and I want to make things right. Hon, you packed up and moved cross-country, for me, with no argument. And, all the things I promised... being home and happy. The grass wasn't as green."

"But I wouldn't have impulse-got a dog if we'd stayed. And we got to see some snow and-"

"And you were all alone, in a strange place, for days on end while I was babysitting rich brats with roaming hands."

"El, you didn't like your old job."

"I'd rather deal with the red eye than ever fly another damn politician and his whole campaign team."

"Why didn't you tell me you didn't like it?"

"Because, I... I didn't want you to worry. You've been in a good place and I wanted to keep that for you."

"At least I won't have to train a new doctor, right?"


"Wait, what new job do I have?"

"Oh, that... I kinda told Jack you'd be his office manager and occasional backup dancer."

"Backup dancer?"

"Well, technically, I believe it's floozy number three..."

"Smartass. ...You're sure about this? Going back, I mean?"

"I'm sure. This time, it'll be good."

"Wherever you are, El... that's good enough for me."

-writerverse, rhode island

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