Sep 16, 2004 21:59
I thought I was good in Chemistry? I didn't realize I could get this lazy this fast. It's impossible for me to focus on my Chemistry homework so I didn't do most of it. The part I did do was the definitions, but only because that was the only part I could get. I feel so stupid this year. I'll be lucky if I even get a high 70 in Chemistry this semester. I'm going to die :(.
But I'm wondering. Say I wanted to be an art teacher, and I got low marks in Chemistry. Would that affect what University I get accepted to? I wanted to go to York for their visual arts program so it shouldn't affect that, right? I'm just making sure. I KNOw I have to work hard this year but I can't. I can't get into Chemistry like I did last year. Blah.
I think they're making announcements for the Stratford trip tomorrow. It's 45$ to go. We're seeing MacBeth and we get to walk around the town and stuff. I've went once before, last year. It was pretty cool. A Midsummer Night's Dream was on last time, but it was modernized and I hated it. I hope Macbeth isn't modernized.