Thins is a poem i wrote
PLEASE read it and tell me what you think, be honest
i dont wanna keep writing if i suck, ya know. thanks
My future looks bleak
There nothing much to keep me here
My life is made of lies
False hope is all I know
The life I lead is nothing to special
Just another face in the crowed
Another soul in the dream catcher of the big celestial center
The tangled wed we weave of promises we know we cant keep
Will hold us back forever and will never let us go
The pain I go through everyday is unreal
I see everyone around me so happy
I want to break free
But these chains that hold me are too strong
I need your help, another hand
You can’t hear me you don’t want me
After years of pulling the chains break
The force of all my built up pain pushes me,
You guide me to the edge
I begin to fall this hole is deep it never ends
I catch an edge of the cliff
I’m holding on with all that I know
My head jerks up only for a moment
To see you, you’re happy
My heart was holding on with one last hope
You crushed me, did you ever care
Tears stream down my face
I loved you with all my being
I would have done anything for you
What did I do…I didn’t deserve you
I look at you one last time
I’m getting weaker
I let go