The Haumiaroa Magical Society for the Conservation of Indigenous Wildlife Author:
musamihi Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 15,700 Approx.
Summary: Harry escapes to New Zealand in search of privacy and relaxation, only to find himself caring for an injured (and ungrateful) kiwi chick. After releasing the bird into the wild, he's more than a little surprised to find it waiting for him when he arrives in Peru for the second part of his vacation -- and to discover that it can spell. Poorly.
Warning(s): Animagus!Draco
This is a cute story of Harry, who travelled to New Zealand wanting to get away from the Wizarding world, and so it happens he runs (crashes, really) into a little kiwi chick in danger. Of course he saves it and even brings him with him to his hotel.
Later we learn (not Harry!) that this kiwi chick is really Draco, and refusing to be left behind when Harry decides to change destinations follows him.
But you see, at first Draco didn't quite remember how to turn back, being around Harry helps, helps to the point he's finally able to change back to his human form. They have words. :D