ab epistulis Author:
cornmouseRating: R
Word Count: 84,000 Approx.
Summary: A future fic that takes place when Draco is 30, living in Edinburgh, Scotland. Draco owns a bookstore and ends up developing a correspondence with the author of his favorite novel. (written pre-HBP)
I had heard a lot of good things about this story before I finally got my hands into it, and you know what? It's all true; it's very good.
Draco writes the author of his favourite book, and this, being Harry replies to him, and so they begin a correspondence. But soon enough Harry wants to get to know Draco, know him as Harry, not just through letters, so he approaches him, but when Draco realises that Harry and the author are the same, he feels betrayed and, obviously, he doesn't reacts well.
They fight, but they also talk, and all through this there's the attraction they feel for the other, Draco fighting it constantly, Harry trying to face it but not knowing how to do it. It's filled with misunderstandings and communication problems because, nothing is quite simple for these two, yeah? It's a very enjoyable read even though Draco is confusing as hell at times. XD
Also, because I don't know why, but a lot of people doesn't like bottom!Harry (I'd like to know why) even though I tagged as b!Harry, it's mostly suggested, as it's R rated, the sex is off screen, just fyi, if you're not into b!Harry you can still read it. :)