(no subject)

Jan 06, 2005 08:49

Rest In Peace: Aaron 10-06-04 I miss you soo much and Ill never forget you....its been 3 months since youve left :(

hmm...it's a snow day!!!!!!....hurray?

Hmm....well snow is awesome, but sharing it with the people your not to happy with isnt the best....i dont mean to seem negative but i dread teh weekends or and day off of school that i have to be home :( too many issues to go over....

But today might be diffrent!!!! i might get to have cyndi over :D and hang out with michelle :D...no bodys hoem which is y i can do all of this haha...(have people over , spend time with friends)

well all in all i hope i have loads of fun today

Wow i woke up waaay to early today..my mom woke me up at 8*45..grr >:( w/e so im up and im updating my journal....hmm well my dads been acting alot nice latley and i know exactly why .....and my moms acting worse and i dont knwo why...

My dads reasoning: His brother is a cyco, and hearing taht his daughter needs to go to "mental thereapy" is breaking him aprt so he wants to do wat ever he can to keep me out of it but it will soon turn into a 24/7 question of whether i am ok or not or if i want to talk...its reasonalble but it still doesnt cover up or make me forget of my past and how he was then

W/e it doesnt matter.....
Oh! i found out that if i move im moving bak to Paramus which is prbably in teh near future..lets say abt this summer >:0 im not mad abt moving there but im mad abt moving period i will have all of my friends there whcih is aweosme and i cant waitfor that reaosn nbut tehn i dont wanna leave my frined shere i love em sooooo effing much and i knwo ill nevr see em again :( maybe like once a year and taht would realli suck cuz id have to tell EVERYONE to go to the mall or sumthign liek that....w/e it just wont be the same but then again my friends inNJ i miss them now n i barely get to see tehm so moving would be awesome cuz id see them everyday.....but then again i cnat move.... :( you tell me wat do i do
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