Kitty-Kate passed away Friday afternoon after a lifelong struggle (hers and mine) with kidney failure. She had a good life, I think, and while the decision was far from easy I believe it was the right thing to do. She was the first pet that was mine, rather than my family's, and she has been with us almost since Mr. Daroga and I first started out and a friend of ours scooped her up from the parking lot of his apartment complex and brought her over. She will be very much missed and while I think I'm doing okay, I keep thinking I'm going to see her. That she's scratching to be let into the bathroom (she loved drinking out of the faucet), that she'll be waiting for breakfast despite the dogs flipping out next to her, that she'll take her ridiculous flying leap onto the bed in the middle of the night. I keep forgetting I don't need to keep clothes off the floor (she had a urination problem these past few months) or the basement door closed. She did not enjoy her daily fluid injections, but she never once bit or scratched me, and never held it against me. She almost always has a little nose-kiss for me. He eyes had a ring of yellow around a ring of green and she had perfect little paws. She drank out of any open water glass, which made it very difficult to actually drink water in the house, but if she couldn't reach it with her mouth she'd dip her paw in and lick it off, which was really cute. She wasn't a lap cat, and she didn't like being picked up, but nearly every night she'd jump into bed once I got there and would sleep either on my hip or under the covers, spooned against my chest. She never got above 8 pounds and stayed pretty kitteny for most of her life. She endured two dogs and a car trip from Orlando to Seattle and several moves. She was a great cat (aren't they all?) and I loved her more than I can properly express.
She was my baby girl, and I miss her.