Where do I sign up for my tin hat, please?

Aug 11, 2009 07:40

I am well aware that there is a significant squick factor in RPF for a lot of folks. I used to share it, to some extent. But Shatner and Nimoy (let's face it, especially Shatner) are doing their best to erode any guilt I might still carry about this issue. I mean, I can list the evidence if anyone's interested, the gratuitous touching, forty years of innuendo, Shatner's shippy video, but honestly?

This just takes the cake. And shatnoy_rpf is exploding.

From spirktrekker42's account of the Las Vegas con:

Bill could NOT keep his hands off Leonard. At one point, he was even fixing Leonard's collar. It was just cute. They constantly ribbed at each other (Bill joked that Leonard was rapped around JJ Abrams' finger) and Leonard kept saying how Bill was being silly for not wanting to see the movie. Bill relented, saying he would finally see the movie, but only if he saw it with Leonard, they got popcorn, and he got to hold Leonard's hand.


But then Bill said something like "We have fun playing on set.. and playing off set." The audienced LOLed. Nimoy reminded Shat that "that's how rumors about them get started". Shat agreed, explaining, "I know. I start them!"

For the record, I'm not actually saying they're doing it or whatever. What I am saying is that it's increasingly hard to feel guilty about writing hot dirty lies about these two when they're clearly doing it for us. Though the fact that several of the incidents mentioned during the session have been ficc'd recently might lead the more paranoid to believe that it is more than coincidence that talk of rumors came up now...

rpf, leonard nimoy, william shatner

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