Boston Legal

Jul 07, 2009 10:54

What I would really, really like from this show is a different/no soundtrack, different editing, fewer broad reaction shots, and the absence of anyone not Crane or Shore.

I hate when things I like are entangled in things I do not. It makes shunning them much harder, but watching them rather painful.

In other words: MORE SHATNER.

In other news, I am back from Ohio, where I spent the past week with my family. Photos and all that coming soon, though I will be somewhat scattered still as I have a friend coming in tomorrow for a week and computer issues based on having moved the computer into the living room (where there is no internet) to replace the television which is in the shop. Priorities are interesting, aren't they?

How are you? Anything exciting going on? Any links I should know about? What have I been neglecting?

life, television, william shatner

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