Obsession (version Shatner)

Jun 15, 2009 22:18

Last year, inspired by Orson Welles (whom I still adore, no worries!) I wrote:
See, it's been ages--it feels like years--since anything's hit me this hard. When I was a teenager, and through college, certain things would grab hold of me and not let go...

What's funny about this now is that I think this latest Star Trek/William Shatner thing is ten times worse. I don't understand how I'm still functioning; I haven't felt this distracted, hopped up, and ridiculous since those good old days when it didn't really matter if I lost myself in it. And yet I look ahead and know it's gonna end and I am already sad, because as inconvenient as this is it feels good. I'm writing again. It's crazy that this should be the thing, especially since dammit I'm running masked_ball and haven't written anything for it and frankly have no interest in anything else. And it's, you know, so old hat.

Side note: It seems that my "new type" is pretty-faced, arrogant assholes who are often labeled hams and later in life get really fat and never stop trying. Whether this is more or less reasonable than my previous preference for the at-worst psychotic/at-best emotionally unavailable ectomorph is debatable.

So. Links and stuff for those so inclined:

* more_shatner. What it says on the tin. There's nothing here yet, but I discovered he didn't even have a community! Which is sad!
* Premiere: Shatner/Nimoy fic (by me) about them watching the new movie. Rated G.
* Home by Lanaea. Awesome WIP that is firmly based in the reboot universe but has glimpses of that Jim Kirk reaching towards what he'll become. Also adorable K/S.
* Star Trek Memories was really entertaining, though not, you know, the best writing ever. Maybe I'll do a post about this, but Shatner really comes across as someone who doesn't know he's being self-centered and reacts okay to being told about it, which makes him endearing if you like him and insuffrable if you don't. I loved the story about him getting angry at some guy who rammed his daughters at a go-kart track, deciding he was Captain Kirk, and suddenly realizing that the flying leg kick he was so proud of disobeyed the laws of physics. Luckily, before he tried it. Also the one about stealing Nimoy's bicycle. They're sort of the most adorable thing ever, at this point, all old and mellow and forgetting they fought and stuff.

Some choice
ontd_startrek posts:
* Vulcan pick-up lines
* On-set gifs from the TOS days, including this one:

I die a little time every time I look at it.

If you're not lucky, there will be picspam.

fandom, television: star trek: tos, william shatner

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